お気に入り登録数: 218
名前 | Deborah A. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We talked about my Christmas cake I baked and my customer who live in a cabin and barbecued different part of meat in a fire pit for me. I was very enticed bya smell of barbecue. We also talked about an accident at a clinic in Osaka which reminded me of an accident in Kyoto. The architecture of the building minimized a space other than office space and had just one exit. Everybody had to use the exit to escape. I think we should review architectures of buildings and regulate them. |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We talked about Christmas. I am going to spend Christmas with my family over this weekend. I will prepare a roasted chicken and a strawberry shortcake. Also we talked about coronavirus situation in the United States. There is a big mismatch between jobs available and what workers want. There are ten millions of unemployment because either workers are not allowed to work remotely or workers are not satisfied with their wages. |
Maki様より 会員No.3968 女性 |
1862年に起こった横浜の生麦事件をきっかけに薩英戦争(The Satsuma-Anglo War)が起こり、大政奉還に至った経過についてお話ししました。生麦事件の時の英国の首相がパーマストンという人で江戸幕府が対応に苦慮したことを知りました。 |
Maki様より 会員No.3968 女性 |
今回は江戸時代の幕末の状態についてお話ししました。 ハリス来航に伴い、日米修好通商条約が締結され、 尊皇攘夷論が高まる中、桜田門外の変がおこりました。尊王攘夷論を英語で説明するのが難しかったです。 |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my website, discussed about my Ikebana classes. This weekend, I have an Ikebana test and have to arrange Narcissus to reflect landscape. Narcissus has to be straight in a vase and that's quite hard. We also talked about countries including the United States that voicot Bejing Olympic. It means there is no diplomacy taking a place at the Bejing Olympic. Japan needs to play an important role on the relationship among China, the United States and Japan. Since China is Japan's neighbor country, Japan has to do well and have a good relationship with China. |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my websites, talked about new coronavirus variant, Omnicrom. New COVID variant raises global alarm. The Japanese government is planning to strengthen its boder controls for travelers from South Africa and five other African nations. The government is restricting foreigners to enter Japan. |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my websites. We mainly talked about stilmulus measures of Kishida administration. A lot of economists oppose to a plan of \100,000 hadouts to each child. Children whose parents have an annual income under \9.6 million. Economists doubt over whether this plan really helps to revitalize Japanese economy. A purpose of the plan is ambiguous. We are not sure what Japanese government wants to do with the plan. Also, we talked about Shouhei Otani. He awarded MVP, the first Japanese two-way star to win the honor since Ichiro in 2001. We as Japanese should be proud of him. |
Maki様より 会員No.3968 女性 |
ペリー来航時の日本の人々の対応についてお話ししました。とりわけ当時、江戸の町で売られた瓦版に見られる庶民の 様子はまるで、昨日のできごとのように感じられます。デボラ先生は特にこの話題には興味を示されてたくさん質問されました。引き続き英語と歴史の勉強を続けたいと思います。 |
Maki様より 会員No.3968 女性 |
今回は江戸時代末期の黒船来航についてお話ししました。ペリー来航の目的は捕鯨船に必要な水や食料などの補給のために港を開港させることでした。Herman Melville のMoby-Dick(白鯨)を買って、読まずに(読めずに)置いていたのですが、 また、挑戦したいと思っています。 |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my webpage. Also, we talked about COP26. 23 countries pledged to stop the use f coal power by the end of 2021. However, China, South Korea and Japan have not pledged to apply to fossil fuel investments within their own countries. I order to keep planetary heating to 1.5 degree Celsius, the more ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement is necessary and it is very challenging. |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We mainly talked about an election, held last week. A LDP-coalition government won more than half of the seats as we expected. A lot of aging politicians couldn't win at a single-seat constituency. I felt the alternation of generation. We also talked about each party's strategy for the election, especially what to do with self-defense force. The Japanese Communist party is in opposition to the US security forces in Japan. The LDP is trying to change the Constitution, whereby making the self defense forces more of a proactive force, not just for defense. |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We mainly talked about a booklet I am making for my Ikebana teacher. Debora recommended me to publish online. Also, we went over my comments in English. At last, we discussed about a town, Suttsu which applied to be the dump. Government officials went to inspect wheher the site would work for the dump. They really have to prove it's not a bio-hazard to the area. Citizens are really concerned about that. It takes about 300 years to neutralize the nuclear. |
Maki様より 会員No.3968 女性 |
江戸時代に起こった三大飢饉について学びました。江戸時代はかなり寒い時代だったそうで、その原因の一つとして the Maunder minimum というのがあるそうです。周期的に太陽の黒点が少なくなり、寒冷が もたらされる現象を言うそうです。dendroclimatology 年輪気象学という言葉も初めて聞きました。先生もご存じなかったです。勉強になります。 |
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