How to Open and Share lesson materials

If your student has requested a lesson using a lesson material, please open the material and share it
with them during the lesson time. Here is an instruction on how to do it on "LessonRoom" and "Skype",
so please check and get ready for your lessons.

*** Note ****

We have 2 types of lesson materials.

  • a. Eigox materials: All the items listed on this page are Eigox materials.
  • b. External materials: Smart English, Side by Side, English news websites etc.

[ LessonRoom ]

How to open and share a "a. Eigox material".

1) Enter LessonRoom

2) Open the desired material.

That's it. The material is opened on a new tab page.
*You can always go back to the top page (= Calling page) by clicking the "call" tab on the left.  

How to open and share an "b. External material".

1) Open the desired material on your PC using a browser.

2) Enter LessonRoom

3) Share the material with your student using the "screen sharing" function.

That's it. The material is opened and shared on a new tab page.
* You can always go back to the top page (= calling page) by clicking the "call" tab on the left.

[ Skype ]

On Skype, you can open and share "Eigox materials" and "External materials" in the same way.

1) Open the desired material on your PC using a browser.

2) Login to your Skype and call the student.

3) Share the material by using the "Screen Sharing" function on the bottom menu.

The desired material is shared with your student.
That's it. Enjoy your lesson !