Moto様より 会員No.23480 男性 |
I enjoyed talking with Andrew. I liked how he gave me some words in conversation by typing those for me to review. I learned from him a new expression, or should I say the words, " jabs," for vaccine shots, which was interesting. |
for Andrew B. 先生 |
Toyo様より 会員No.37401 女性 |
こちらの学びたい要望を聞いて進めてくれます。 話すスピードも合わせてくれるのでスムーズに会話が出来ます。 日本語が上手なので困った時は日本語で内容を伝えることが出来ます。 穏やかな雰囲気で自分のペースでLessonを受けられます。 |
for James T. 先生 |
Satomi様より 会員No.5299 女性 |
Thank you for the first lesson. It was an enjoyable conversation. I am happy to share my unique experiences with you. You showed interest in my story and asked me simple questions during my talking. So I could relax and talk to you. I look forward to the next lesson. |
for Michelle R. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.37862 女性 |
とても楽しい授業でした♪ |
for Selma M. 先生 |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
今日初めてお会いした先生です。 初本のはっきりした先生で、私の間違いやレベルをはっきりと言ってくれます。 リピートが欲しくて高めにレベルを付けられr先生が多いですが、 彼女は古くからの私のお気に入りの先生と同じようなレベルを付けました。 レベル9を付けた先生がいてましたが、私は二度とその先生には予約しません。 信頼がおけません。 |
for Jorna S. 先生 |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
Every time the class is so intersting. Thanks Parsa See you next Sunday💗 |
for Parsa H. 先生 |
Kinya様より 会員No.10693 男性 |
楽しいレッスンありがとうございました。とてもフレンドリーな方で最初から気持ちよく会話が出来ました。今日はそれぞれ自己紹介をしてお互いに質問すると言った内容になりました。次回から色々と色々な課題について話したいと思っています。 |
for Glycel G. 先生 |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double Lesson |
for Deborah A. 先生 |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Mainly talked about my visit to the hotel I had a wedding fifteen years ago. All the stores I used for my wedding were still there. There was a wedding fair and I could see chapel and rooms I used for my wedding. All the memories came to my mind. We also talked about annual health checkup. In the United States, not a lot of people have an annual checkup since they don't have a health insurance. Having it is costly in the United States. In Japan, most people have it since health insurance covers it. I had it at the beginning of this month, had its result, found high LDH. I had better have more detailed exmination later. |
for Deborah A. 先生 |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much for your interesting lesson. See you nex time. |
for Lisa H. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
To learn something in English is exciting! I'm interested in making a short video, but don't know how to do it. So, I asked Cheese to teach me the way in English and she kindly accepted it. Today, I learned first step of making video app with her competent instruction. I was able to learn not only English but also app. It was a great lesson. Thank you, Cheese and looking forward to having your lesson next time. |
for Chie MO. 先生 |
Miu様より 会員No.35362 女性 |
今日もとても楽しいレッスン本当にありがとうございました✨書いたり、単語もとても楽しく教えてくださり娘も本当に楽しく喜んでいます!またぜひ、よろしくお願いいたします✨ |
for Joanna C. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.37210 女性 |
今日の出来事をレッスンの初めに伝えあって、自然な雰囲気で話せます。 楽しくお話させてもらえて、次も予約してみようと思える先生です。 |
for Jorna S. 先生 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the great lesson. We talked about daily life to each other. At first glance, it looks normal, but it's hard for us to each other. Good luck and take good care of yourself. I look forward to talking with you again. |
for Nikola B. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.18255 女性 |
大好きな先生です! とても話しやすくて時間があっという間に過ぎてしまいます!! |
for Erin Q. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.26768 男性 |
会話の中の表現を生徒のレベルに合わせて、とても分かりやすい表現で話していただきました。outputを多くすることが出来てとてもhelpfulなレッスンです。 |
for Sarah D. 先生 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the amazing lesson. I asked you that to be successful what is needed and important for me. This is the most important things for me. You advised me various things. I learned a lot from you. I really appreciate it. I'm counting on you. I look forward to seeing you again soon. |
for Andrew S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.37392 男性 |
Today we had a free talk about climate change. Climate change, including global warming, is a serious problem, but what are we doing to remedy it? How can we improve it? These are difficult questions, but I was able to try to convey my thoughts and had a good time.Thank you Kerry-sensei. |
for Kerry S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.35578 女性 |
とても楽しい時間をありがとうございました♪ Kiana先生は、とても優しくてフレンドリーで、とても充実した時間だったと思いました! わたしは、今回フリートークをしたのですが、いろんな話題をふってくれてとても会話が楽しかったです。 英語の教え方もすごくわかりやすかったです! 子供にもとてもおススメです♪ |
for Kiana G. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.9013 女性 |
I really enjoyed his lesson. He knows what I need to improve so that I can completely trust him as my teacher. From now on, I will try hard to pay more attention to intonation in accordance with his advice. I just hope he will be available to teach me soon because he must be very popular among students! |
for Connor M. 先生 |