kayo様より 会員No.531 女性 |
インターネット教材でのニュースのコラムに関して、いつもお話します。 とても、ためになり、勉強になります。 送信履歴で、後々、復習もできます。 いつも大満足のレッスンです。 |
for Elizabeth 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.570 男性 |
We mainly talked about Japanese cartoon. I enjoyed the talking. However,I can't get some words and sentences of his talk. |
for Barry 先生 |
Sho様より 会員No.613 男性 |
I enjoyed talking to Mr.Michael. He is kind. |
for Michael 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
Today I tried to read an article about North Korea in Time. As usual, my practice focused on pronunciations & word stress. During the lesson, I learned some expressions such as "a brushback pitch" and "scared stiff". A worthwhile lesson. |
for Barry 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
We read an article about an exhibition of butterflies. Mat advised me to read sentences carefully, because I'm sometimes careless about pronunciations. But he encounraged me with praise, as a whole. A good lesson, I think. |
for Matthew SM. 先生 |
Momoe様より 会員No.431 女性 |
Thank you very much for correction of my English resume. You helped me a lot!! After the lesson, I could finish my work and submitted. It wan a meaningful lesson for me, Thank you again!! |
for Margaret 先生 |
issa様より 会員No.231 男性 |
テキストを使って7歳の息子に受けさせてみました。わかりやすく、ゆっくり丁寧に教えてくれます。とても楽しそうでした。 |
for Jessica 先生 |
kayo様より 会員No.531 女性 |
とても充実したレッスンでした。 インターネット教材での話題から、いろいろと勉強になりました。 もっともっと勉強したくなりました。 |
for Elizabeth 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.570 男性 |
I enjoyed the lesson. He kindly prepared for the lesson. I want to continue the lesson by him. |
for Barry 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
Today's lesson continued an article which we did not finish last time. As usual, Barry corrected my pronunciation. After that, we did Q&A for a short time. Good lesson, as a whole. |
for Barry 先生 |
yoppy様より 会員No.417 女性 |
I received his lesson for the first time. It proved very worthwhile, so I'll take it again. |
for Matthew SM. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.562 女性 |
We talked about "Culture differences" through my experience in US. He pointed my wrong English structure(sentence) exactly. I had a good and very useful time with him. I look forward to talking with him next time. |
for Matthew SM. 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
We read an website about the history of the lute. I'm practicing the instrument, so perhaps he thoughtfully chose it. In fact, the article caught my attention. Today, my practice mainly focued on word stress & pronunciation. Barry told me the relationship between word stress and sylabbles. His explanations about pronunciation and word stress are systematic and interesting. |
for Barry 先生 |
Momoe様より 会員No.431 女性 |
Thank you as always, I like your lesson!! |
for Margaret 先生 |
kayo様より 会員No.531 女性 |
I had a great lesson. Thank you very much!! |
for Elizabeth 先生 |
yoppy様より 会員No.417 女性 |
I always enjoy her lesson. Time seems to pass so quickly when I speak with her. |
for Penny 先生 |
Sayuri様より 会員No.571 女性 |
Saki先生♪ すごくきれいな発音で、なぜか親しみやすかったです(笑) わかりやすい説明と、親切な態度で接していただいてありがとうございました(´∀`*)ノ |
for Saki 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.570 男性 |
We talked about the diferrence of the helth insurance system between Japan and the USA. |
for Matthew SM. 先生 |
Junya様より 会員No.479 男性 |
I think this lesson was very good. Thank you. |
for Matthew SM. 先生 |
Junya様より 会員No.479 男性 |
I have good conversations. Thank you. |
for Matthew SM. 先生 |