hiro様より 会員No.647 男性 |
I had a good time to talk with her! Thank you so much ! |
for Penny 先生 |
Noriko様より 会員No.607 女性 |
Today, we had a small talk to get to know each other a bit to begin with, and then we moved on some reading practice using a webpage that Micheal chose. He accurately pointed out that I missed pronouncing plural "s" almost every time which I didn't even notice. In my opinion, having a teacher who isn't hesitant to correct students when they makes mistakes is both rare and immensely important. Love to continue taking his lessons! |
for Michael 先生 |
Masako様より 会員No.640 女性 |
時間までにSkypeへの連絡先追加依頼がなく、こちらから行いました。すぐ応答はありましたが、あれ?っと思いました。ロスは1分未満です。 英語教師として経験豊富なのを感じました。フィードバックも的確です。 |
for Barry 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
Today, we continued a novel which I chose last time. Reading it aloud is sometimes a tad difficult for me, but it was a lot of fun as a whole. Especially when we find a word "nincompoops", Barry gave his memory about his grandfather. Pleasant & good lesson. |
for Barry 先生 |
Hiro様より 会員No.605 男性 |
スピーキングがゆっくり過ぎる。 |
for Elizabeth 先生 |
naoshi様より 会員No.632 男性 |
I enjoyed to talk with her.Ilearned in eigox for the first time but she was very kind to teach english |
for Elizabeth 先生 |
kayo様より 会員No.531 女性 |
Thank you very much. I enjoyed talking English. |
for Elizabeth 先生 |
Ayami様より 会員No.521 女性 |
She corrected the mistake in my grammar and explained kindly. Moreover, she caught the thing which I would like to tell and taught me another expression. Thank you for good lesson. |
for Penny 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
Today we talked about "conversation". Sometomes, our talk shifted to another topic about food. Ava was a good storyteller and I think it was a lot of fun. Good lesson. |
for Ava 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
Today we read an opening passage of "Mrs. Dalloway". I'venever read the book, and found it a bit difficut to read aloud. But that's a good practice, I think. As usual, Barry corrected my pronunciation. Good lesson today, too. |
for Barry 先生 |
Fumi様より 会員No.532 女性 |
自分の書いた文章から、自分に必要な文法を教えてもらいましたが、非常にわかりやすい説明です。ネイティブならではの感覚を、こちらの視点で教えてくれるので、目からうろこがたくさん落ちました。疲れるのではないか?と思うほど、しゃべりっぱなしで、必死に教えてくれますし、わかりません!というと、わかるまで、またまたずーっと話してくれます。リスニングの勉強にも、すごーくなりました。最後は時間が足りなくなりましたが、さらにスピードアップして、なんとかやり終えようと、必死で訂正してくださる姿勢に感動しました。文法説明は、こちらのレベルを見極めて、これは上級すぎるから、まだ、いいかも。。でも、一応、やっときましょっか、なんていいながら、説明してくれてました。授業のように、一人でどんどん進めても下さる先生でした。無駄な時間は一切なく、内容の濃い授業に大満足です。 |
for Margaret 先生 |
Fumi様より 会員No.532 女性 |
副詞と形容詞の違いを、とても簡潔にわかりやすく教えてくれました。自分が何を学びたいのかを、はっきり示せば、得るものは、非常に大きいと思います。文法の説明は、非常にわかりやすいです。授業の始まりから、何を学びたいのかを聞いてくれて、無駄を省いてくれる姿勢が、私は好きです。 |
for Melissa S. 先生 |
Natsu様より 会員No.574 女性 |
I always forget time when I'm talking with her! I think she is an amezingly great teacher. We talked a lot of interesting things. Now I feel she is my teacher and also my dear friend! I can't wait for the next lesson! |
for Sheree 先生 |
sana様より 会員No.612 女性 |
I am very happy and cheerful fun. To me that sometimes the magic, I'm delighted. |
for Michael 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.570 男性 |
I enjoyed the lesson. We talked about the harmful effect of smoking and alcohol and a little benefit of the latter. |
for Barry 先生 |
Ayami様より 会員No.521 女性 |
He introduced the kitchen in the Philippines, and his favorite dish. It was a very pleasant lesson. It is very easy to understand his explanation. I am looking forward to the next his lesson. |
for Barry 先生 |
Hiro様より 会員No.605 男性 |
Good |
for Jessica 先生 |
rie様より 会員No.421 女性 |
She always tells me with a smile. I am a beginner, She taught me to patience. |
for Erin J. 先生 |
rie様より 会員No.421 女性 |
I am looking forward to each lesson. She is a very serious teacher. 私は初心者ですが、先生に習えば上達できると思います!! |
for Melissa F. 先生 |
Noriko様より 会員No.607 女性 |
Barry and I had a very good time chatting together. He was very kind and paid close attention to my speech to come up with what's the best way to improve my overall English skills. He offered me several suggestions and we decided to work on slang expressions and euphemisms. I can vouch that he is a very accomplished, wonderful teacher! |
for Barry 先生 |