mimi様より 会員No.716 女性 |
体験レッスンをお願いしました。 娘は楽しくレッスンができたみたいで 『またこの先生とお話したい』と言っていました。 |
for Matthew SM. 先生 |
Fumi様より 会員No.532 女性 |
私のような初心者には、日本人をよく理解されてるPaul先生のような方は、有難いと感じました。こちらがきちんと話せなくても、察してくださる所は、日本人のようで、緊張しないで授業が受けられました。自分が教えて頂いた事が、この先、どう役立つのか、まで、最後に例を出して頂き、短い言葉で、的確に理解できるよう、お話されるのは、すごいなーと思いました。 |
for Paul B. 先生 |
Yoko様より 会員No.711 女性 |
I think he is the best English teacher I have ever met. |
for Paul B. 先生 |
kayo様より 会員No.531 女性 |
I can't wait next lesson!! |
for Elizabeth 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
Today, we talked about studying English. It was a lot of fun. She told me about some interesting websites, Thanksgiving Day and American food. It's always interesting to realize some cutural difference between America and Japan. Since her story was really amusing, I was absorbed in listening to it. Should I have been more positive in speaking my ideas? Anyway, a good lesson. |
for Ava 先生 |
Yoko様より 会員No.711 女性 |
初心者の私でも、綺麗な発音だとわかりました。とても楽しい会話ができ、また授業を受けたいと思いました。 |
for Paul B. 先生 |
Luke様より 会員No.535 男性 |
I wrote "One Day of Anything Writing Prompt" and talked about it with Barry. Then we talked about other movies like "Star Wars" and "Night at the Museum". I really liked his lesson because he taught me so well. I think that if I learn from him I will be so good at speaking English. |
for Barry 先生 |
Tenma様より 会員No.152 男性 |
I am sorry for disturbing your free time today. He always enjoy your lesson. See you tomorrow. Barry先生は小さなお子さんもいて、息子もレッスンも明るく楽しく受けています。 |
for Barry 先生 |
Mark様より 会員No.705 男性 |
I have been searching for a native teacher to help me speak correctly and fluently. I found Eigox and teacher Barry. It was a short trial lesson, but teacher Barry was able to give me several valuable comments. He is very brilliant, intellectual and kind. I am managing to book his class as he is available only in early morning or at night whereas I am only free in daytime. I look forward to seeing him soon. |
for Barry 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
I practiced describing & finding pictures in a Google page. It was a lot of fun, though it took me a little long time to find a picture Ava described. Good training for listening & speaking. |
for Ava 先生 |
Sakai様より 会員No.438 男性 |
I discussed an article. She described the meanings of the sentences that I couldn't understand. After the lesson she wrote a review. She said that my English was almost correct but slow, so she advised me to echo english news after listening to it to improve my English speaking ability. I enjoyed her lesson. |
for Elizabeth 先生 |
Chinatsu様より 会員No.671 女性 |
I can't wait next lesson. |
for Ksenia 先生 |
Naoko様より 会員No.397 女性 |
Penny was very kind. We first started on self introduction, and her background and experiences were interesting. She asked me if I had a question and there was any word which I didn't know for every sentence. In this lesson, the latest news which I didn't know well was the topic, so I could learn more about it. Thanks Penny. |
for Penny 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.570 男性 |
I enjoyed today's lesson. Sorry if I made you wake up this early morning. |
for Michelle 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
I practiced reading today, It was a lot of fun, as always. Since Barry told me about an interesting web site, I flipped through it after his lesson. That looks fantastic. He often tells me a lot of information about slangs, his experience and web sites etc. |
for Barry 先生 |
Kay様より 会員No.424 女性 |
Today, I practiced pronouncing as clearly as possible. Barry showed me how to move my mouth in pronouncing some specific words. During his lesson, I made a note about his comments, so I'll review them before the next lesson. Good lesson. |
for Barry 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.562 女性 |
I always look forward to talking wiht him. He always teachs me exactly and kindly. He gives me motivation to study English. Always thanks, Mat! Sonoko |
for Matthew SM. 先生 |
Taemi様より 会員No.510 女性 |
I have taught English to her from March. My english is bumbleheaded but we can discuss a common theme about housework and caring for children. It is fun.She is all kindness and provide empathetic care for me. When i was question.She answered eagerly and more detail in the next lesson. I have a baby, lesson is many occasions interrupted. She prepares different plushie each time for my baby. My English is so boring that I stopped going, but i keep plugging away. I hope you will take good care of this. |
for Margaret 先生 |
Taemi様より 会員No.510 女性 |
マーガレットさんには3月からずっとお世話になっています。 わたしのつたない英語であっても「主婦業」や「子育て」といったトピックでフリートークが可能なので、たのしいです。 何よりも、彼女はとても親切でささいなことにも親身になってくれます。前回質問しておいたことを、次回のレッスンでさらに詳しく調べておしえてくれたりします。 私に赤ちゃんがいるので、たびたびレッスンが中断してしまうのですが、毎回違うかわいいぬいぐるみを準備してくれていて画面にうつしてあやしてくれます(笑) なかなか、勉強時間が確保できなくて上達しない私の英語ですが、これからも継続してがんばっていこうとおもいます。 よろしくおねがいします。 |
for Margaret 先生 |
Taemi様より 会員No.510 女性 |
Thank you. I would like to talk sometime. |
for Ava 先生 |