匿名様より 会員No.31127 (家族会員) 男性 |
今日もテキストの内容以外のトピックの話に終始し、レッスンは全く進まないが(笑)、その場で英文を組み立てなければならないので、本当英語の勉強としては最適です(テキストも進みますけど(笑)。)。本当、助かります。 |
for Jeffrey R. 先生 |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your American pronunciation lesson! Look forward to your next American pronunciation lesson^^ I’ll see you soon! |
for Joanna C. 先生 |
Hiroko様より 会員No.44386 女性 |
We had a conversation about why American employees don't call in shick to work. There are some reson that sick employees guess heir boss don't believe thier sick,colleague have to work more in stead of sick person's leave,they are criticized from their boss.Japanese employees are similar to U.S.They probably feel guilty more than American when they take off work because of sick.It's OK to get cold and flu, however if employees are very sick they have to take leaves to prevent passing on a cold to others. |
for Mark M. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.16856 女性 |
久しぶりの受講でフリートークでした。 お話し上手で聞き上手、ユーモアたっぷりの先生なので、自然な言い回しも教えて頂きつつ楽しい会話ができました。 |
for Michelle R. 先生 |
Miu様より 会員No.35362 女性 |
レッスンありがとうございます!娘が楽しめるよう、お話しや書いたり遊んでくださったり、毎回本当に楽しみです!また次回よろしくお願いいたします! |
for Joanna C. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.4336 女性 |
After I took your lesson, I understood the meaning of the words that I learned this week more clearly. Thanks a lot! |
for Nigel B. 先生 |
Shigeko様より 会員No.40535 女性 |
We talked about how to save money. These days prices are high. Saving money is important. |
for Luigi C. 先生 |
Yui様より 会員No.40089 女性 |
7才の娘のレッスンをお願いしています。毎回、楽しくわかりやすいレッスンをしてくださっています。ありがとうございます。 |
for Akiko S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.44277 女性 |
とても明るくサポートをしてくれる先生でしたが、フリートークで話題を先生にお任せにしていてのですが、フリートークで何を話すの?と聞かれ戸惑いましたが、何とか話を絞り出してたのしくはなすことができました!ありがとうございました。 |
for Hitomi O. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.44253 女性 |
とても優しい先生で、積極的に質問してくださいました。YESくらいしか答えられませんでしたが、、 日本語も使えるため子供も安心していました。この先生好き!と言っていました! |
for Hikaru S. 先生 |
Fumie様より 会員No.19101 女性 |
先生は小さな赤ちゃんの育児中で、時々画面にも登場します。 私は可愛いなーと思うだけですが、子育て中の方にはお話のきっかけになるかもしれません(^-^) |
for Jorna S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.39860 女性 |
毎回チャレンジができてうれしい |
for Joweena A. 先生 |
Hiroko様より 会員No.44386 女性 |
Today we handled a topic about Japanese ceremony in shrine for dogs and cats that young adult peple or no children couples take care of with so much love.The pets are wearing Kimono amid the ceremony,they may look like strange,however the pet owener are pleased with hoping happiness and welbeing for thier pets.We both think that the ceremony is a little funny.Our opinion for the ceremony is that Dogs and cats wont to eat individual foods rather than wearing Kimono and being celeblated.Howevere,it's OK that there are varius values for their pets,making dogs and cats weared Kimono. |
for Mark M. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.40906 女性 |
いつもにこやかにたくさん話を聞いて下さいます。記事を読んでる時もしっかり発音を聞いてくれてます。 エネルギッシュで明るい先生で、私はいつも楽しいです。 また予約します。 |
for Melisa Z. 先生 |
Kaochin様より 会員No.11594 女性 |
Thank you very much for the lesson for which you elaborated on her performance. I really appreciate your guidance and encouragement for her. See you soon! |
for Fergal B. 先生 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the great lesson. We talked about various things. I learned a lot from you in the story. Sentences, words and grammar something like that. I appreciate it. See you next week. |
for Jim M. 先生 |
NORIKO様より 会員No.43774 女性 |
I had a fun lesson with Mr.Brian.H who is pro-Japan, and the 25 minutes went by in a blink of an eye. It was fun to talk about various stories, such as the story of selling lemonade when he was a child. “Ask questions and listen to what they say” It was difficult for me to keep the conversation going, but I found a trick. The explanation of the meaning of the words was also polite, and I could see the difference in nuances. |
for Brian H. 先生 |
Yuki様より 会員No.29611 男性 |
It was great meeting you, Nigel. We had a nice and fun chat in this class to get to know each other better. The topics ranged from brief introductions to earthquake precautions and cats. Nigel has a really friendly vibe while still keeping a close eye on my English. Thank you, Nigel. I look forward to seeing you soon |
for Nigel B. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.6765 女性 |
We talked about “what’s the matter?”.I thought this phrase might be careful in situations. She taught me how to use so it helps me. I hope to see her soon. |
for Melissa S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.6765 女性 |
Today we talked about “sorry” from daily Eikawa. I knew the difference of each expression. And also talked about my coming trip to San Francisco and Los Angels. I always enjoy her lesson and hope to see her soon. . |
for Bailey C. 先生 |