Criteria for scores (How many ★ marks?)

Star Mark(Level) Title Challenge level Description

Level 1

ESL Level(Entry 1) Nothing Check

Level 1

ESL / Lower Beginner

He(She)has ability to;

  • Understand English alphabet.
  • Understand some basic words.
  • Carry out simple greetings.

Level 2

ESL Level(Entry 2) A piece of cake Check

Level 2

ESL / Upper Beginner

He(She)has ability to;

  • Understand the very basic English structure " Subject + Verb".
  • Understand some of the most well-known phrases.
  • Carry out greetings, simple self-introduction, answering questions with a few words.

Level 3

ESL Level(Elementary) Easy Check

Level 3

ESL / Elementary

He(She)has ability to;

  • Talk about things in the present/ past/ future/ hypothesis roughly

Level 4

ESL Level(Intermediate 1) A little guts Check

Level 4

ESL / Lower Intermediate

He(She)has ability to;

  • Talk about things in the present/ past/ future/ hypothesis, with some precision.

Level 5

ESL Level(Intermediate 2) Guts Check

Level 5

ESL / Upper Intermediate

He(She)has ability to;

  • Talk about things in the present/ past/ future/ hypothesis, precisely.
  • Express own opinions and ideas with some precision, and expand conversations.

Level 6

ESL Level(Advanced) Guts & Time Check

Level 6

ESL / Advanced

He(She)has ability to;

  • Survive in foreign countries using English as a second language.
  • Manage necessary tasks such as finding an apartment, making lease contracts, subscribing to utilities(power, gas, water), opening bank accounts, applying for school, filling out government papers etc.
  • Lead conversations among non-native speakers and express almost anything using strong basic English.

Level 7

Native Level(Entry) Hard Check

Level 7

Native English/ Entry

Can start learning authentic English movies, dramas, paperbacks, magazines, even though those materials could be still very hard.

With a slight adjustment in the speed and vovabulary, he/ she can join and enjoy conversations among native English speakers.

Level 8

Native Level(Elementary) Super hard Check

Level 8

Native English/ Elementary

He/ She can manage to join the conversation among native speakers without any adjustments in English, even though he/ she has some difficulties.

He/ She can express own opinions/ ideas both in private and business situations. Can roughly understand TV programs, paperbacks, magazines, newspapers.

Level 9

Native Level(Intermediate) Ultimately hard Check

Level 9

Native English/ Intermediate

Native English speakers would notice he/ she is a non-native speaker in their conversation, however it gives no problems to the natural flow of conversation.
He can understand Movies, TV programs, paperbacks, magazines, newspapers and carry out both private and business communications with no particular problems.

Level 10

Native Level(Advanced) Miracle Check

Level 10

Native English/ Advanced

He/ She possesses a native-level English ability. Can easily understand movies, dramas, any written materials. Capable of handing business meetings, daily conversations and jokes among Native English speakers, You will hardly notice he/ she is a non-native speaker of English.

* We set "Level 6" as a strategical target for our regular students who live and study English in Japan.
* Level 8 - 10 are Native English levels and extreamly hard. E.g. Students in these levels could join and manage tasks in a corporate selling commodities/ services to the local people in an English speaking country.