お気に入り登録数: 1027
名前 | Fergal B. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | アイルランド |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Kaochin様より 会員No.11594 女性 |
I liked your comment that its more about practicing to make the knowledge automatic. That’s really sunk into my mind. I hope she will realize it through more practicing. We are always greatful for your dedication to our lesson. いつも安定したペースと内容で丁寧に指導してくださり、とても信頼できる先生です。継続的に教わったら着実に上達すると思います。 |
Kaochin様より 会員No.11594 女性 |
Thank you very much! She was more engaged with learning family relationships using her own family members. We look forward to next class with you! |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
Nako様より 会員No.980 女性 |
ファーガル先生と話しているといつも楽しいので一回一レッスンでは時間が足りなくなることがよくあります。(笑) と同時にたくさん表現を直してもらえます。これは、自己学習だけでは難しいので貴重です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.7517 女性 |
Thanks for your advice. I ordered Side by Side workbook that you recommended. We're looking forward to getting it. |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the fantastic lesson. It's been a while, so I was a little nervous. But I enjoyed it. We talked about coronavirus. I heard that your country was under a lockdown. I was surprised that wearing the mask was a government rule. Your country is strict but compared to that Japan is too lax, I think. I'll keep up with my English so that I'll be able to speak more fluently by the time we meet again. Take care of yourself and Have a nice day. |
匿名様より 会員No.23221 女性 |
Thank you. You are always kind and nice, and your class is usefull! |
匿名様より 会員No.3636 女性 |
Thank you for your great lesson, Fergal! Stay safe! See you soon! |
Nako様より 会員No.980 女性 |
どんなトピックにも、豊富な知識で対応出来る、明るく素晴らしい先生。自然な表現を身に着けたいなら是非。 |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
dogwood様より 会員No.7263 女性 |
I really appreciate your helpful advice as usual. I would like to improve my writing skill. See you soon!! |
Ryo様より 会員No.21256 男性 |
I enjoyed the class today, and would like to take your lesson again. |
匿名様より 会員No.23221 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I enjoyed your class a lot. The way you teach is clear and easy to understand, and the way you speak makes me relaxed. See you soon! |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much! :) |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you :D |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
Kaochin様より 会員No.11594 女性 |
We are always greatful for your interesting lesson, she is trying hard every time. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
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