お気に入り登録数: 1027
名前 | Fergal B. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | アイルランド |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Biki様より 会員No.22429 男性 |
Thank you for the lesson. He was very satisfied saying the teacher sounds and looks like a movie person! See you on the next lesson. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
Rihito様より 会員No.22555 男性 |
息子のlessonにテキストページを指定しましたが、その範囲より多く進めていたのと、音声を聞かせている時間などが無駄に感じました。英語の評価も厳しめに感じました。 |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
TOTO様より 会員No.22629 女性 |
Thank you very much for your very quick and useful feedback. I think I will improve what you kindly pointed out. Next time, I would like to continue the same video presentation and get your feedback. I am not good at translating abstract or philosophical concepts, so eventually I’d love to try something more conceptual. Thank you indeed. |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
Maiko様より 会員No.17081 女性 |
久しぶりにFergal先生のレッスンを受けました。以前と変わらず、とても丁寧なレッスンに満足しました。また受けたいです。 |
Mina様より 会員No.20547 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson.I enjoyed it very much.I’m looking forward to seeing you again! |
Harumi様より 会員No.2630 女性 |
Thanks for another interesting lesson with phrasal verbs today. 'Make for (something)' phrases were new for me and I would like to use them when I have chances outside classes. Have a lovely week and see you soon :) |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
dogwood様より 会員No.7263 女性 |
I had a really great lesson. Your advice is very helpful. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!! |
匿名様より 会員No.18346 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson and kind advice on the letter 'd'. It is interesting that some words for monetary unit come from French. See you next week and have a great week! |
匿名様より 会員No.17035 男性 |
Thank you for the lesson. We spent time very usefully to discuss about consequence of fake news. I could use some new words when answered your question. Sometime I was still confused to express my thoughts because I didn't know what appropriate words I should use. I try to do better next time. See you again soon. |
Aloha様より 会員No.21584 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson today and apologies for my late arrival. Your materials are very helpful for me and it will definitely improve my skills! Looking forward to studying with you so see you in our next lesson! |
Rin様より 会員No.22515 女性 |
I am satisfied with having his lesson, because his accent is very clear to listen for me. I would like to have his lesson next time,too. |
naru様より 会員No.14652 女性 |
excuse me, i didnt want reading and writting lesson for her today. i would like you to focus on listnening and speaking ,even she cant read and write in her age, it doesnt matter for now. every kids are going to be able to do it little by little years later. listening, speaking and communication skill are more important for kids. i should have talked about it before lesson. thank you for your lesson. |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson.See you next your lesson. |
Harumi様より 会員No.2630 女性 |
Thank you for understanding what I said today even though I messed up grammar when I was emotional. I just hope that things happening in the world now will go better soon! Have a nice week and see you soon :) |
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