お気に入り登録数: 1027
名前 | Fergal B. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | アイルランド |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Harumi様より 会員No.2630 女性 |
Thank you for another fruitful lesson with prepositions exercise today! It was also good that we still have some topics with laugh even in this tough situation. Stay safe and see you soon :) |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Have a good afternoon Thank you very much!!! :D |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you so much!!! :D |
Nako様より 会員No.980 女性 |
多忙でレッスンを中断していて、久しぶりでした。変わらず、質の高い安定した授業を提供出来るのがさすがだと思いました。自然な表現に直してくれるので毎回たくさん学ぶポイントがあります。ニュアンスの違いの説明も上手です。 |
Tam様より 会員No.21266 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! I was able to learn some words. See you next time. |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
kotaro様より 会員No.22321 男性 |
Thank you so much. I was fun of your lesson. See you next lesson. |
kotaro様より 会員No.22321 男性 |
Thank you so much. I was fun of your lesson. See you next lesson. |
hiro様より 会員No.4491 男性 |
Thank you very much!!!I liked your lesson!!!I enjoyed your lesson!!!See you next time!!! |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
Harumi様より 会員No.2630 女性 |
I didn't think I had enough time to tell you about what is happening in Australia. Although so much things are going on all over the world now, I am very lucky as I am healthy and can take online lessons from you. I am looking forward to seeing you soon again :) |
匿名様より 会員No.17035 男性 |
Thank you for the lesson. The vocabulary you told me are very useful for me to express my thoughts more clearly and briefly. Have a nice week and see you next time. |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson.See you soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.18346 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson as always! I would like to continue IELTS practice next time. Have a great weekend! |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you very much. |
Kaochin様より 会員No.11594 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson! The fish she wanted to mention was actually fatty tuna or Ohtoro, which is pinkish tuna with a lot of fat, one of her favorites ;-) Her another favorite sushi is conger eel. See you soon! |
Kaochin様より 会員No.11594 女性 |
Thank you very much for well-modulated lessons. She liked your lesson style because she says you tries to make sure she really understands or not by asking the questions. Though she cant spell well yet, she enjoys writing and homework as well. テキストを使いながら、宿題なども通じて、理解の確認を行う丁寧かつ安定した授業スタイルに大変満足しています。もちろん、スピーキングやコミュニケーションを上達させることが最も目指すところですが、ただ話してばかりいても、なかなか使えるボキャブラリーや構文が増えないことにも気づきました。耳と口のみだけでなく、目や手を使ったリーディングやライティングなども補強することで滑らかなスピーキングに到達できるという先生の信念を感じますので、信じてしばらくお願いします。 |
Yuno様より 会員No.15450 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. |
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