お気に入り登録数: 813
名前 | Mayumi T. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | 日本 |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | ネイティブ |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-San, it was really happy to see you again. I feel like that I've talked with you countless times. So, the other day, I counted the number of our lessons. How many times do you think? The answer is 70 times. Woo, it's amazing!! I feel that we get along well. Don't you think that too? I will try to take your lessons for the 100 times by the end of fiscal 2019. We talked about a lot of various topics. It was really fun and interesting. I am always impressed by your abundant knowledge and experience in foreign countries. Time flies every time. I can't always believe that 50 minutes past. I wish you were here with me now. I'll miss you again. See you soon!! |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-San, it was really happy to see you and fun to talk wity you as always. I feel like that I don't want to say good bye at the end of every lesson. I wish I could be with you for a longer time. It's getting hotter and hotter, or it's not too much say that it's scorching hot every day. I'm very happy to hear your loving words and high evaluation to my essay but the next topic you gave me is very difficult for me. I'm struggling with it for the last few days. I'll do my best. I can do it!! I can't wait to see you. See you later. |
kazunori様より 会員No.7306 男性 |
Thank you very much to make our suddenly request. My daughter enjoyed very much. We'll keep high temperature day and it's hard to keep good phycal condition. Be careful your physical condition. Have good week end. |
Kazu様より 会員No.19221 男性 |
素晴らしい講師の1人だと思います。 |
masaharu様より 会員No.6853 男性 |
いつもありがとうございます。息子にとって英語に触れる事が楽しいと思ってくれるといいなと思っております。 そのためには、少し自宅での復習が必要になりますね。10分でも復習していきます。と、息子自身が思えるようになるといいのですが!また今後もよろしくお願いします。 |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-San, it was really happy to see you again. You're always looking great and I love the way you smile. Your sweet words always encourage me very much. You make my day as well!! Come to think of it, now I am 66 years old. I feel that nothing is more important than health these days. And in order to keep our helth, I think that it is important to be smiling. Your smile makes me happy and makes me smile. As they say, there are following famous proverbs:" The smile that you send out returns to you.", " A smile shared is a smile doubled.", " Wear a smile and have friends, wear a scowl and have wrinkles." Now I'm struggling with your next topic. It is very difficult , but it is exciting for me to challenge the topic from you. You are always on my mind!! I never get tired of thinking about you. I can't wait for the next class. I'll miss you again. See you soon. |
masaharu様より 会員No.6853 男性 |
今日もありがとうございました。 息子自身の復習がまだまだ足りなかったんじゃないかなと思います。一瞬様子を見て思いました。 家庭での復習させます。 今後も引き続きよろしくお願いします。 |
Natsume様より 会員No.5160 女性 |
ここずっと、娘がお世話になっています。のんびりペースの娘に合わせて、でもしっかり手綱も引いてくださり、安心してお任せできます。ありがとうございます!これからもよろしくお願いいたします。 |
rumiko様より 会員No.18467 女性 |
It was pleasure to meet you! I enjoyed talking with you. Thank you so much for the wonderful lesson as usual. See you again! |
masaharu様より 会員No.6853 男性 |
楽しいレッスンをありがとうございます。日付の確認や英作文、リーディングなどありがとうございます。 復習、頑張らせます。 |
Motohisa様より 会員No.18312 男性 |
英検準2級の英作文のレッスンをお願いしました。 50分レッスンがあっという間に感じるほど密度の濃いレッスンでした。またよろしくお願いいたします。 |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-san, it was nice to see you again. This time's lesson was really fun and exciting for me. I love this way of lesson that we talk about materials like essays, news, short stories and so on. I feel like that it is excellent and challenging. In addition to that, you are really gorgeous and intellectual. I really admire your ability. I would never find anyone who is more attractive than you. I am happy that I had the chance to meet you on Eigox. I feel God made us find each other. Then you gave me the next topic, which is very interesting, though, is very challenging. I'll miss you a lot as well. You are always on my mind. See you soon!! |
Motohisa様より 会員No.18312 男性 |
英検準2級テストに向けてのレッスンをお願いしました。とても分かりやすい説明でした。 |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-San. It was happy to see you again as well. I had a great and fantastic time with you as always. Now it's my happiest moment to learn English from you in Eigox. Your lessons always inspire me great efforts. As you said, chatting about toilets in the world might be weird but we enjoyed very much. When I always talk about the topic of toilets with other coutries'people, we have always a really lively conversation. This topic might be interesting to people in the world. I received the essay topic from you and that's interesting and challenging. I can't wait to see you in the next class. I'm excited about seeing you again. |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-San, it was nice to see you again as well. It was really fun to talk about various topics with you. It was so bad for you to have your shingles, but now I'm glad you've gotten well. You are always weighing on my mind. I think it's going to be pretty difficult to pass this Eiken Grade 1 test in June, but I hope to pass it by January next year. I will do my best to pass it. Never give up! I feel I can do anything. Yes, I can! It feels like the time I've spent with you has only been a short time. I will miss you till the next time. See you soon. |
masaharu様より 会員No.6853 男性 |
いつも。明るく励まして下さってありがとうございます! |
kelokelo様より 会員No.6466 女性 |
先生のお陰で、子供たちは英語を楽しみながら習得することができています。ただ音読したり、意味を聞いたりするだけでなく、お話の場面ごとに登場人物の気持ちやどうしてそうなったのか、自分だったらどうか、などいろいろ聞いてくれるので、とても内容の濃いレッスンとなっています。笑いの絶えない明るくて楽しい人柄も最高です!ありがとうございました♪ |
Bow様より 会員No.5067 女性 |
Thank you Mayumih( ' ' )♡ |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-san, nice to see you again as well. I had a great time with you. Talking with you is always exciting and it's the happiest moment of my life. As you said, I also think that the best part of being able to speak another language is, to put it briefly, a cross-cultural communication and experience. Japanese are always conscious of the singularity of the culture that developed in their island nation. Seeing itself as unique, Japanese tends to view its consumer behavior and other activities as being different from other countries. While cherishing the finest characteristics of Japanese culture, it would be nice if you broke through your Japanese shell in a while and went abroad to experience the many styles of communication found there. Thank you so much for the wonderful time. The time that I spend with you is something irreplaceable to me. I look forward to the next time. |
Bow様より 会員No.5067 女性 |
Thank you Mayumi♡ I Love You( ´ ` ) |
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