お気に入り登録数: 813
名前 | Mayumi T. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | 日本 |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | ネイティブ |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-san, happy to see you again:) I took your lessons for two days in a row. I couldn't stand waiting to see you for 24 hours.(Ha-ha) First,we talked about how to order at fast restaurants in America. Whenever I go to the US, I have some difficulty in ordering foods every time as the order system in the US is a bit complicated. But I don't dislike it. As you said, I can add and extract anything I want. That makes sense. Someday I would like to live in the US or Canada for a long time, which means that I live my everyday life there while studying at universities or colleges. My another dream is to study abroad. I hope it will become true someday. Thank you so much for the great time again. You are always on my mind. I can't stop thinking about you. See you soon^^ |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-san, it was nice and happy to see you again:) Thank you so much for your wonderful lessons always. I always enjoy your lessons very much. I love chatting with you so much and the time with you is the most happiest one in my life. As I said before, I belong to a speech club that I can learn how to make a presentation and public speaking. The other day, I played a role of interviewer to contestants at the speech contest of the club and that became a good experience. I believe that will be beneficial for my life in the future too. We then talked about Corona virus. The numbers are still increasing every week in Japan. As you know, we can't see the end of the infectious disease yet and many people are concerning about the future. I hope things will blow over soon. We then talked about Alabama where you live in now. And so, the other day, I researched about Alabama at a big book shop in Tokyo. I checked a lot of travel guide books. Unfortunately, the number of page about the information related to Alabama is only two pages and also that is only the information about Montgomery city. Don't be disappointed!(Ha-ha) However, I would like to go to the US including Alabama again. Thank you so much for the great time as always. You are everything to me and you always make my day, indeed. I have already missed you and I can't wait to see you until next time. See you soon! |
匿名様より 会員No.22225 女性 |
子供がこんなに楽しそうにレッスンを受けているのは初めてでした。絵本やカードなど子供の興味があることを飽きないようやってくださり、とても楽しそうなレッスンでした。ありがとうございました。 |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for your lesson.See you next time. |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-san, really happy to see you again:) Thank you so much for your wonderful and enjoyable lesson as always. First of all, I talked about my volunteer work at Ueno park, but it was really cold that day as I had to do that work outside all the day. It was very fun, though, that activity was a little bit hard. And then we talked about differences of medical circumstances and health care system among various countries. In overseas travel, I am always anxious about what to do if I get sick. That's because it is quite difficult to explain symptoms as medical terms are really technical for ordinary people including me. I love to see your smile. You make me so happy everyday of my life. You give me all the positive energy that I need to keep going. I can't imagine everyday of my life without you. I'll miss you again but I'm looking forward to seeing your cute smile next time. See you soon^^ |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-san, it was great to see you again:) Thank you so much for your wonderful and enjoyable lesson. I feel like seeing you everyday because I miss you when you are not. You are always on my mind. It was interesting about discussing remote working. Someone says being a digital nomad helps him keep learning and growing. And he says his work is better for it. One day he'll be working out of a plush hotel lobby In Naha city, Okinawa and the next day from a sunny beachside resort in a beach nearby while enjoying a cold beer. In a sense, I think that's only partly true, but it will be very hard to stay motivated and productive in a remote-working situation. I think that not everyone has a strong willpower including me. As for me, it is indeed quite difficult to switch on and off yhe mood though. But in Japan remote working might be widespread in the not-so-distant future because of the new type of infectious disease and Tokyo Olympic 2020. It was very fun and enjoyable to talk about procrastinaton, wasn't it? When we talk about this issue, it's always exciting and sometimes it could be difficult to stop talking aout it. The relation between overprotective parents and to make children not to be independent was an interesting topic, wsan't it? Thank you so much for the your great lesson. I am always thinking of you and you always make my day. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon^^ See you soon^^ |
masaharu様より 会員No.6853 男性 |
いつもありがとうございます。 息子のやる気が少し上がってきました。 まゆみ先生には、その変化をすぐに気づいてもらえたようで、さらにやる気につながっています。 |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Thank you so much.See you next your class. |
rei様より 会員No.22144 女性 |
小学校6年生の娘にとって初めてのオンライン英会話レッスンだったので、とても緊張をしていました。 子供の気持ちによりそってとても優しく、話しかけてくれました。 ポツポツと話す単語から、言いたいことを想像していただき「こういうこと?」と英語と時には日本語でサポートをしてくれて本当に助かりました。 |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson.See you next time. |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-san, nice to see you again:) It was more fun to talk with you than usual because I found that you eat quite a lot than I thought.(Haha) Today we talked about food portions and the differences in restaurant culture in the western coutries, especially in the US and in Japan. Whenever I go to the US, I always have difficulties with ordering foods I want to eat. In the US, there are lots and lots of choices on the menu when you go to a restaurant and even fast-food restaurants like McDonald's and Taco Bell, and so on. But, as you say, I would like to try it next time I go to the US. Lastly, I talked that I am into using Oxford Thesaurus dictionary now and I think it is the best book to develop my vocaburary. I believe that it would help me pass Eiken G1. Thank you so much for your wonderful lessons. Nothing delights me more than talking with you and being with you. You're more important than anything else to me. I feel like you're a wonderful person who inspires me and helps me improve myself. I'm looking forward to seeing you. See you soon^^ |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Thank you so mach. |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-San, nice to see you again:) I love a really fun chat with you and love hearing your thoughts and opinions. We talked about your life in America and it was very interesting for me to know differences of languages and cultures. Without experience, we cannot know how and what it is. As they say, "Seeing is believing." I bet there will be some tough moments ahead of your life in America. However, I believe that you can bring off a terrific success with your work and research there, because you have a great tallent. I would like to hear more interesting and fun topics about your life in America. I would like to see your cute smile again. I wish you have a happy and fun life in America and see you soon. I love you to the moon and back. |
Hiro様より 会員No.19303 男性 |
Thank you for useful lesson! Hope to see you at next class. |
masaharu様より 会員No.6853 男性 |
今日もありがとうございました。 最近は、復習をする事がようやく定着して来ました。そうすると、前に習った事のあるフレーズだとすんなり読めるようになって来ました。まゆみ先生がずっと教えて下さっている事で、ストーリーを暗唱ではなく、フォニックスで読むという事が、本人も少し感覚的に出来るようになったのかなと思います。ありがとうございます。 |
Bow様より 会員No.5067 女性 |
Thank you for telling me^_^Confidence ran out(*^。^*)I try Eiken hard(o^^o)The orenge it was very delicious (^O^) Thank you(^ν^) |
masaharu様より 会員No.6853 男性 |
本年もよろしくお願いします。 冬休みの間、いつもより意識して復習をしました。物語のリーディングが少し上達して、本人も楽しくなってきたようです。まゆみ先生との何気ないお話も楽しんでいるようです。次のレッスンまでにまた復習します。 ありがとうございました。 |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-San, great to see you again:) Thank you so much for always wonderful and enjoyable lessons. I am happy when we spend time together. First, we talked about studying abroad. Looking back, it was not common so much for many university and high school students to study abroad when I was young. Especially, when I was a high school student, there is only AFS as a means of studying abroad and it was very competitive to pass the examination of AFS. How did you study abroad when you were a high school student? What's more, I was impressed that you overcame many difficulties in your study abroad life and so I respect you from my heart. Now, I am 67 years old and so it might be too late for me to study abroad. However, as they say, it's never too late to learn, I think. I would like to study abroad even now. It's my dream. I would like to hear your story of studying abroad more and more from you. Lastly, we talked about the book I am reading. Probabaly you also enjoyed it, right? Let's talk about it in the next lesson again. I'm looking forward to seeing you. I can't wait to see you. Take care and see you soon. |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-San, happy to see you again:) I had a good time this year thanks to you. It has been a great pleasure taking your lessons all year long. The highlight in my life was meeting Mayumi-San and you made my year wonderful. You are a stunning person and I want to bne able to speak English like you. I have loved being your student. I always feel happy to be your student. I wish you have a great holiday and I can't wait to see you again the next year as well. |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.9818 男性 |
Hi Mayumi-San, nice to see you again:) Thank you for your wonderful lesson and I had a delightful time as always. The tome with you always makes me happy. I think you are very attractive not just as a woman but as a person in all respects. You have a great personarity, I think. You are irreplacerble to me. Yesterday I made the speech about my speech club's regular meeting. I was able to receive a lot of praise. Many people said after my speech, " I am very impressed by your speech." I was so happy to hear that. It is all thanks to you. Take care and I wish you a happy new year. I'm looking forward to seeing you next year. |
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