お気に入り登録数: 108
名前 | Sienna S. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | その他 |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 中級 |
chie様より 会員No.17621 女性 |
たくさん質問して下さるので speakingの練習になります。 チャットボックスにいっぱい書いて 下さることも勉強になります。 たいへん良い先生です。 |
chie様より 会員No.17621 女性 |
とても良い先生です。 たくさん質問して下さって 苦手なspeakingの 練習ができます。今日は ペットの話で衝撃を 受けました。たいへん面白かった です。 |
chie様より 会員No.17621 女性 |
とても良い先生です。 チャットボックスに書いて下さった 英文は何回も見直せるし 素晴らしいです。 またお願いします。 |
chie様より 会員No.17621 女性 |
とても良い先生です。 というか素晴らしいです。 いつもチャットボックスに 送って下さる文章が 何度も読み返せて良いです。 またお願いします。 |
chie様より 会員No.17621 女性 |
とても良い先生です。 チャットボックスに送って 下さった文は復習するのに すごく役立ちます。 またお願いします。 |
chie様より 会員No.17621 女性 |
とても良い先生です。 明るくて活発で話し易いです。 間違いを直して下さるので 良い勉強になります。 またお願いします。 |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
It's great to see you again, Sienna! We were reading an article about Mongolian foreign policy. Mongolia's basic foreign and security policy is to strengthen relations with its "third neighbors," in particular, the U.S., while maintaining a balance that is not biased toward either of the two major powers bordering Mongolia, China and Russia. The Mongolian people may harbor deep antipathy toward China and Russia. Nevertheless, Mongolian diplomacy is driven by its underground resources and geopolitical position rather than by such sentiments. Amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine and strained U.S.-China relations, Mongolia is attempting to capitalize on the situation. |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
The article we read mentioned the Magnitsky Act in Japanese. The general meeting approved a resolution authorizing the study of legislation to penalize human rights abuses. However, the bill's chances of passing are uncertain since the administration has been cautious regarding the measure. The primary reason Japan did not join the convention was the high bar for domestic measures required to finish it, such as penal law modifications. |
Yuki様より 会員No.4336 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson! |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
According to the article we read, the situation on the Myanmar-Thailand border is dire since the Thai government deports people to Myanmar. In addition, Myanmar fighters have infiltrated Thailand's airspace. The fighters were built in Russia, whereas Thailand's were F-35s made in the United States, implying a proxy conflict. |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
The item we read was about NUG's representative in Japan. The Japanese government said that it did not support the legality of the military dictatorship but that the bare minimum of contact was required if Japanese people were in danger in Myanmar. Therefore, Japan placed little emphasis on its connection with the NUG. Japan's hostility toward the NUG was also evident in its attitude toward the representative office in Japan. |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
According to the story we read, NATO altered its strategic thinking for the first time in 12 years, focusing on Russia as the most immediate danger. This may seem like a return to Cold War times, but it is a crucial step in countering Russia. I believe Turkey will be an essential country for NATO since President Erdogan indicated that if Finland and Sweden do not maintain the pledges they made to obtain Turkey's support, their bids to join NATO will be frozen. He is naive if he threatens the two Scandinavian countries with veto only because they refuse to extradite 73 people to Turkey for prosecution. Have a lovely weekend, Sienna! |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
Sadly, according to the story we read, the punishment handed down in Bangladesh against a Rohingya featured a great deal of intolerance. Additionally, the report addresses the prompt repatriation of Rohingya people. However, some people have departed Myanmar in order to escape the military regime's persecution. Myanmar's military junta and the government of Bangladesh are having difficulty striking an agreement on the repatriation of the Rohingya. It seems that they are attempting to pit the Rohingya against each other. |
Ryuji様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
The article we read together was on Japan's China strategy. The US-Japan alliance is clearly the cornerstone of Japan's foreign strategy. The United States seems committed to preventing Chinese hegemony. At the same time, it is hard to accept that taking a hard position against China is the only way to fulfill Japan's national interests. Therefore, after the election, the administration's priority will be to develop a policy for China. |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
We read an article on Japan-South Korea diplomacy at the NATO summit. Rather than bilateral problems, I believe the significant difference between Japan and South Korea is their stance toward China. Kishida and Yoon must mend their governments' strained ties. The good news is that flights between Haneda and Gimpo have resumed in the private sector for the first time in over two years and three months. |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
We read an article about North Korea, which hesitates to initiate talks with the United States and South Korea. I feel the Yoon Suk-yeol government is severe on North Korea. On the other hand, the United States is also tightening its grip on North Korea. As a result, China's approach to North Korea is critical. Nonetheless, despite China's resistance, North Korea will almost certainly conduct its seventh nuclear test. Have a wonderful weekend, Sienna! |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
The essay we read focused on security following the Ukraine War. Prime Minister Kishida visited NATO and welcomed the alliance's expanded role in the Indo-Pacific area. NATO reaffirmed the ideals of democracy and freedom and proved its will to cooperate against authoritarian forces that aim to undermine these values. We also discussed Sweden and Finland, which have opted to join NATO in response to Russia's actions against Ukraine; they realized they could not safeguard their security. |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
The item we read was on Sino-American decoupling. I wager that the U.S.-China conflict differs from the U.S.-Soviet Cold War in that the global economy depends on China. The IPEF is not a replacement for trade and investment policy; Taiwan, a prominent manufacturer of semiconductors and other goods, should be considered for inclusion. The United States' focus is on digital. |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
The author of the paper we read believes that US sanctions on Myanmar should be applied to the MOGE. I'm sure the US was the first nation to impose sanctions on the Tatmadaw after the coup, followed by the UK, Canada, and the EU; they had already sanctioned MEHL and MEC. Overall, Japan occupies a middle ground between the West, which values democracy and human rights, and Asian nations, which value sustainability and wealth. I believe Japan should stay up with the G7 regarding human rights diplomacy and human security in Myanmar. |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Thank you for the nice lesson! Today I learned "If I were you, ...." Have a good day! :) |
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