お気に入り登録数: 1010
名前 | Joweena A. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
konoha様より 会員No.26318 女性 |
I was sorry to be late for your lesson. Though I was late, you had been waiting for me. Thank you very much. And I enjoyed talking with you very much. See you the next time! |
konoha様より 会員No.26318 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I enjoyed talking with you very much. When there were words that I didn't know during the conversation, you explained about the words very well. I'm looking forward to seeing you next time! |
Yuki様より 会員No.17538 女性 |
Thank you for your great lesson. I have many unknown words today's article. But I could be enjoyed lesson for teachers support. |
匿名様より 会員No.27928 男性 |
自分が求めている会話量を実践でき、優しく励ましてくれました。 |
Ayami様より 会員No.15716 女性 |
I talked about recent events at the beginning. Then we proceeded our conversation to the topic, centenarians in Japan, as she asked me why there are so many centenarians in Japan. I shared my opinions and thoughts. Thank you for the enjoyable class again, Joweena. |
Ayami様より 会員No.15716 女性 |
I had a good time talking with you again, Joweena. I brought up an article for the class discussion. It was quite a serious and difficult issue to talk about, but she was able to lead our conversaton smoothly and nicely. Thank you for the wonderful lesson as always! |
Miyoko様より 会員No.18898 女性 |
I enjoyed talking about Japanese autumn season and Japan times article regarding Japanese children feel stress for COVID-19/ |
Ayami様より 会員No.15716 女性 |
I had another interesting discussion with Joweena. We used an article about the genetically modified mosquitoes released in the wild for the discussion . We talked about concerns and worries on this issue, and the importance of eating naturally raised meat and organic grown vegetables, if we are able to afford. It was an interesting and enjoyable lesson. Thank you so much!! |
Miyoko様より 会員No.18898 女性 |
I enjoyed talking about my medical checkups, upcoming typhoon, and the successor for the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. |
匿名様より 会員No.25300 女性 |
話すスピードを私に合わせてもらい、ゆっくりと話してもらえたので、良く理解できました。感情が豊かで会話が楽しいです。 |
Ayami様より 会員No.15716 女性 |
It was another interesting conversation with you. We talked about an article which indicates that people become more optimistic until around the age of 70. I shared my thoughts and experiences regarding the topic. We both agreed that religion and belief contributes to our well-being and optimism. Thank you for the meaningful lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.25300 女性 |
お話しが上手でとても楽しいです。会話が途切れることがありません。次回もまた教えていただきたいと思います。 |
匿名様より 会員No.25300 女性 |
いつも楽しくお話をしてくださいます。知識も豊富で言葉に詰まることもなく25分があっという間に過ぎてしまいます。 |
Ayami様より 会員No.15716 女性 |
I had another interesting and enjoyable conversation with Joweena. She prepared an article about the population in the US in which people under 40 make up 50% of the population. She asked me some questions which gave me an opportunity to understand deeply about this article.Thank you! |
yoshie様より 会員No.18743 女性 |
安定の雰囲気と話しやすさで、一番緊張せずに力を発揮できる先生です。 言いたいことをうまく伝えられなくても、先生が要約してくれてチャットボックスに送ってくれるので、それをその場で読んで練習しています。 |
Ayami様より 会員No.15716 女性 |
It was nice talking with you again, Joweena. We talked about the recent covid-19 situation and my odd experiences in the new normal lifestyle. We are still in the middle way adjusting to a new lifestyle along with this particular infectious disease. Thank you as always!! |
Miyoko様より 会員No.18898 女性 |
I enjoyed talking about wake and funeral in Japanese Buddhism way. |
Miyoko様より 会員No.18898 女性 |
I enjoyed talking about the "Universal Manner" seminar that I attended on July 30. |
yoshie様より 会員No.18743 女性 |
とても穏やかで落ち着く先生です。 10年ほど小学校で英語を教えていたそうで、子供にも大人にも合う先生だと思います。 ことらがカタコトで伝えた内容をまとめてくれて、チャットで送ってくれるので、すぐにそれを音読して自分の力になります。 |
natsuki様より 会員No.21636 女性 |
落ち着いた雰囲気で、こちらから質問を投げかける間をうまく作ってくれます。 話しやすく、8歳の娘も緊張せずにフリートークが出来ました。 文法などは完璧に直すというよりは、伝わればOKという感じはあります。 直されすぎないからこそ、自信を持って話せるようです。 |
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