Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I asked Mika-sensei several questions. “ What was the most strange experience do you think in Japan ? ” During her stay in Kyoto, she said, she was surprised when a car suddenly crossed an intersection. This is not common in the Philippines. Please take care of herself ahead. I talked about my son. She talked about her elder brother. I wanna talk to her again. |
for Mika Y. 先生 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I was so busy these two days. I went to bed at 3 am. Because my close three friends stayed in my house one night. We talked a lot. We couldn’t stop talking, drinking and laughing. I tried to talk about them to Mehmet-sensei. I had nothing to prepare in this lesson. He taught me some correct expressions during listening to my story. Thanks so much. |
for Mehmet P. 先生 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I wanted Mehmet-sensei to check my pronunciations “b-p, f-v, r-l, wh”. I tried to read my real story (almost ) using “Gerunds” or “Infinitives”. He taught me really politely. I appreciated him so much. I’ll do my best. |
for Mehmet P. 先生 |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
Her English is easy to understand. Therefore, we can communicate easily and smoothly. Thank you so much, much appreciated. I'm sure we'll meet soon. |
for Selma M. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.29901 男性 |
Thank you for today's class as always. She always gives me a lot of new words and expressions. Also, her opinion is really spot-on during the discussion. I have been learning a lot from her class! I can't wait next class. |
for Mirha B. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.20613 男性 |
It was a wonderful lesson with you Hayley ! I truly enjoyed talking with you. Hope to see you again. |
for Hayley W. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.21003 女性 |
毎回、毎回、とっても楽しいレッスンで、大変に満足しています。 |
for Chiru M. 先生 |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
for Deborah A. 先生 |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my website. I decided to take intensive calsses for smart phone applications development and I am quite busy with those classes. Also we talked about Covid-19 pandemic in North Korea. Kim Jong Un has a circle of friends to drain huge amount of money for missiles. Since North Korea doesn't have a relationship with other countries, it cannot get help from other countries and it cannot vaccinate nations. Same as Putin. Even though, some countries such as Turkey and India are in Russia's debt, Russia's economy will collapse due to sanctions assigned by us. Japan used to import woods to build houses from Russia, but it cannot now so those prises are getting much higher. |
for Deborah A. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
Max always leads me to improve my English skills. His correction to my words is really helpful and to the point. He tells me cultural background of words, it's exciting. Today's review: hospitable : more friendly, cultural assimilation : adaptation, feel comfortable living in another culture its move to gauge for the first time public views : evaluate remain static : unchanged, welcoming environment, multilingual support refugees (accent on third), phenomenum(singular) phenomena(plural) leave, flee from, run away from, homogenous ; most all people are similar island country : archipelago, peninsula: 3 sides of water, 1 side land the pros and cons : the advantages and disadvantages Thank you, Mark and see you next time. |
for Mark M. 先生 |
akiko様より 会員No.19962 女性 |
Thank you very much for your lesson today. It was very fan and I felt that the lesson time was very short. See you again in the next lesson! |
for Emilija S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.31723 女性 |
5歳の娘が先生とレッスンするようになって数ヶ月経ちましたが、最近は知ってる英単語が増えてきてこちらがそれ知ってるんだ!?と思う事が増えてきました!! 毎回楽しくレッスンして頂いている成果が出て来てるんだなーと実感しています。 |
for Mei Y. 先生 |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much for your lesson and information. See you next time. |
for Ben T. 先生 |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much for your lesson. See you next time. |
for David G. 先生 |
Take様より 会員No.27907 男性 |
We talked about the presidential election, politics、local foods and so on. He always listen my talks and it’s fun. Thank you. |
for Charles M. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
I booked two lessons in a row. This time, our theme was holidays; we addressed the Golden Week. This year, I could not enjoy the Golden Week because I needed to focus on a test. Ecotourism is a far cry from conventional tourism it was twenty years ago. On the other hand, tourist companies make a lot of profit by raising prices during the Golden Week - it costs an arm and a leg to visit foreign countries during the week. On Children's day, people pray for children's health; some people hoist carp streamers. |
for Xandra G. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
We talked about leisure activities; I played the piano when I was elementary. On top of playing the piano, I played baseball. Recent leisure is a far cry from conventional leisure it was twenty years ago. However, Internet technology changed our perspective on leisure significantly. Nowadays, people spend a long time at home. |
for Xandra G. 先生 |
Chiharu様より 会員No.32412 女性 |
とてもしゃべりやすかったです。希望していた通り、細かく間違いを訂正してもらえて、勉強になりました。 |
for Melissa S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.36889 女性 |
とても優しく、話しやすい雰囲気の先生なので、緊張せずレッスンを受けられます。単語や表現につまった場合はすぐに助けてくれます。おすすめの先生です。 |
for Rebecca D. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.36925 女性 |
つまづいた単語やイディオムについて即座にチャットで情報を提供してくださり、大変中身のあるレッスンでした。先生が話す時間と自分が話す時間の配分がちょうどよかったです。 |
for Maybelle C. 先生 |