Tohta様より 会員No.27047 男性 |
Thank you for you listening at my singing English songs as always.I finally gave a challenge to singing’’365 days’by Mr.children.’I wanna fairly sing it in English in front of my beloved one someday. I was happy that you appreciated my translation:D Of course,I know Richann is married,and she really loves her husband,then I will keep from singing love songs anymore,’cause I thought it was a bit impolite,haha. But thank you for it as a part of English study:D |
for Richann L. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.36721 女性 |
教材を選びましたが、フリートークにすれば良かったなと思うくらい楽しかったです。 次回はフリートークにして、いろんなことをお話ししたいです。 |
for Evelyn S. 先生 |
madoka様より 会員No.21729 女性 |
I am sorry to hear that one female Thai student committed suicide at school because of boredom and bullied. If only I could have talked to her. thank you for your class! |
for Aldrin P. 先生 |
Katsu様より 会員No.23945 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. We talked about the history of my house. It was hard for me to build my house, but it was interesting to consider the layout of the rooms. See you next time. |
for Ariane C. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.35395 女性 |
穏やかで丁寧な印象の先生でした。 ただ、教材の内容と相性がよくなかったのか、あまり話が弾まず会話が途切れがちでした。 先生から積極的に話を振ってくださるというよりは、こちらから質問したり、積極的に話かけると良いレッスンができると思います。 |
for Lewis P. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.30784 女性 |
楽しく勉強出来ました。 文法は覚える事が多くて大変ですが、自然に使いこなせるようになりたい。 先生は日本語を、私は英語を一緒に頑張ってる。いいですね! |
for Veronica R. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
I scheduled two consecutive lessons for myself. This time around, our focus was on a good friend. When writing, it might be difficult to tell the difference between the present participle, the present tense, and the past tense. Additionally, there are instances when I struggle to broaden the scope of my conversation subjects by providing vivid and brief examples. Again, you have my sincere gratitude. |
for Rubeimin L. 先生 |
Emi様より 会員No.22974 女性 |
とても穏やかで優しい、聞き手に回ってくれる先生でした。 日本人に慣れているというか、話すばかりでなく、私のペースに合わせてくれ、つたない日本語を理解してくれようとしているのが伝わってきました。 先生の生まれた国の事や、文化や食事についても、丁寧に教えてくれました。 また先生のレッスンを受けたいと思いました。 |
for Ediliana E. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
I am grateful for the instructive lesson you provided. I found our unstructured talk about the market to be enjoyable. There were certain questions that were quite challenging to understand. I'm willing to assume that my hearing capacity is still somewhat restricted. |
for Rubeimin L. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.34186 男性 |
インターネット教材は最近の日本に関わるニュースを選んでもらい興味を持って英語の学習ができました。また、会話の練習もたくさんできました。 |
for Flordeliza R. 先生 |
makoto様より 会員No.36274 男性 |
リア先生には、私の回答した文章をわざわざタイプしていただけました。また、文法の間違いや別の表現もテキストにしてもらえました。しっかり文法を学習したい方にはおすすめしたい講師です。 |
for Jeanleah P. 先生 |
Setsuko様より 会員No.16385 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson today. She always improved my wrong word choices and sentences on feedback. They are very helpful for me. I really enjoyed her lesson today. I would like to take her lesson again soon. |
for Ofelia A. 先生 |
kazunori様より 会員No.7306 男性 |
Thank you so much making lesson for me, I think my translation was poor but your explanation was patiently. I'ii keep effort and see you soon again. |
for Tomoka T. 先生 |
Setsuko様より 会員No.16385 女性 |
I took the lesson for the first time. She asked questions in the flow of the conversation, I thought she was very matured teacher. I really enjoyed her fruitful lesson. I would like to receive her lesson again soon. |
for Judith M. 先生 |
Saki様より 会員No.19153 女性 |
Today, I talked to Haniel about my students.🌟 She listened to me seriously and I was very glad. I felt sorry for making our lessons less fun than usual.😢 I'm looking forward to the next time💗 |
for Hanniel B. 先生 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I talked a lot with Ari-sensei. She was an attractive girl playing outside. She ate fruits from tree directly. When she has free time, she walks with dogs. Amazingly her dad has six dogs. Her favorite teachers were English teachers who advised her how to make presentations in English when she was in hight school student. My favorite teacher is 95 years old who is bedridden in the hospital. She is like Mother Teresa. She advised me a lot of important way to do in my life. I respect and admire her. I hope she has no pain in her body and mind. |
for Ariane C. 先生 |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
Thanks always Lee I am so so happy talking with you I can't wait next lesson💖 |
for Lee Y. 先生 |
SAORI様より 会員No.30487 女性 |
いつもフリートークをするのですが、話題が絶えずたのしいです。 |
for Sophie B. 先生 |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! It was a really fun chatting and very helpful for upcoming my Eiken test! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you next time^^ |
for Joanna C. 先生 |
Masao様より 会員No.9597 男性 |
久々にドミニク先生のレッスン受講しました。やはりとてもいい先生です!常に笑顔で優しく対応してくださいます。おすすめの先生です!また受講します。 |
for Dominique D. 先生 |