匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
I enjoyed a free talk with you, Kevin! Today's topic was essential decisions. First, I talked about my decision to enter a graduate school; my brother helped me mentally and economically, which motivated me to be a scholar. We also spoke of electronic devices: smartphones and PCs. Yes, accessibility and portability are definitely the right words to describe their features. |
for Kevin PA. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
When I couldn’t react for instance he was waiting and showed some words. That help me to start discussing.So cheerful! |
for Chris T. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.30072 女性 |
フレンドリーで優しい先生でした。 |
for Joné M. 先生 |
Yuki様より 会員No.29611 男性 |
Thanks, Marina. It was a lot of fun talking to you! We covered lots of topics this time: my job, how Marina likes Canada and Mexico, our views on raising kids, the effect of smoking, how I'm going to use my English skills in the future, etc. She cast interesting questions one after another, which enabled me to continue the conversation without being baffled or having an awkward moment. Since Marina has Japanese heritage, I will do deep-dive into the cultural difference between Japan and other countries with her next time. Thank you again, Marina. Take care until next time! |
for Marina S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.31696 女性 |
英検スピーキング対策のレッスンをお願いしました。私の弱点に関して的確にアドバイスしていただけてとても有意義なレッスンでした。チエ先生のおかげてとても楽しく英検の対策ができます。 |
for Chie MO. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.27239 女性 |
単語テストをして下さり、「30秒でおぼえてみよう!」と子供に集中すること、勉強の仕方も教えて下さいます。子供のやる気を引き出すのがとても上手な先生です。 |
for Arisa F. 先生 |
miki様より 会員No.23967 女性 |
先生は、やさしいし親切です。いろいろ情報を与えてくれました。 |
for Lewis S. 先生 |
Hiro様より 会員No.35759 男性 |
Her teaching method is polite and accurate. I want to take her lessons again. Thank you |
for Jeosabelle M. 先生 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
When I talked about my grandson’s hives, Peter-sensei sent me more detail “ hive skin allergy” information to me. I really appreciated him. He rewrote the script I had written about how my husband was speeding 5 days ago. He taught me the idiom “pull over” how to use it. : The police officer pulled us over to the side road. My husband shouldn’t have sped too fast.. .. .. |
for Peter M. 先生 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I like to see cherry blossoms in full bloom. They are just beautiful wherever they are, falling down, floating on the air and on the surface of water. Also I showed Peter-sensei that Somei-Yoshino represented “spiritual beauty”, “purity” and “Please don’t forget me.” It’s the end of the cherry blossom’s season in my area. I can’t wait next season. |
for Peter M. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.28961 女性 |
The teacher answers my questions politely so I can understand them very well. |
for Chie MO. 先生 |
ichii様より 会員No.36587 男性 |
非常に優しく教えてくれました。 英語で話すのは初めてだったのでかなり緊張しました。 しかし、少し話したらすぐに緊張が解けました。 会話の後、チャットで注意点を教えてくれるので、助かります。 次、又受講したいと思います。 |
for Jeosabelle M. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.34631 男性 |
We talk about cherry blossoms and hay fever. The topic to talk about is always interesting for me. I enjoyed his lessons. |
for Richard R. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.34631 男性 |
We talked about a variety of topics, like hay fever, and the Tonga eruption. He provided an article about the topic to talk about. It was a good situation to learn English. |
for Andrew B. 先生 |
Nao様より 会員No.28547 男性 |
I really appreciate to your kindness and politeness. I am able to realize how much my english have Improved.It was a smooth conversation even though my grammar was not perfect.I hope to take your lesson again. Thank you so much:) |
for Raeesa A. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.36180 女性 |
とてもフレンドリーで笑顔で応対してくれて、安心して話すことができ、楽しいレッスンでした。 |
for Jesse P. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.20227 女性 |
いつも気さくなベン先生です!古い友人を話しているような錯覚に陥ります。 |
for Benjamine C. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.32027 男性 |
He always provides me articles on a subject that I am interested in. It is fun learning about new information per each lesson. |
for Mike N. 先生 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the amazing lesson. You told me how to make the Pizza Capricciosa. You explained it politely from the beginning and wrote everything down. Your explanation was very easy and clear to understand. So I understood it perfectly. I appreciate it. I look forward to talking with you. |
for Nikola B. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.980 女性 |
友人とお茶しながら会話をしてるような、楽しく温かい雰囲気づくりに長けた先生です。 だから、ミッシェル先生と話す時は、なぜか全く緊張しません。 エイゴックスをメインのお仕事にされていて、生徒の希望に合わせたレッスンの準備を怠らない熱心さもあります。 |
for Michelle R. 先生 |