匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
First, we talked about bamboo shoot digging and cooking. Then, I asked some questions to her. One of them is "make sense". I can understand the meaning, but I can't use it in my conversation. Cheese explained it understandably and clearly to me with some model example sentences. She teaches me real meanings of words and phrases by showing me from both sides of English and Japanese thinking. It's a great benefit for bilingul teachers, I think. Thank you, Cheese for giving me enthusiastic lessons! See you next time. |
for Chie MO. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.20613 男性 |
It was nice meeting you Fareeha ! I truly enjoyed talking with you today. Hope to see you again! |
for Fareeha K. 先生 |
acchi様より 会員No.28117 男性 |
レッスンありがとうございました。とても気さくで話しやすい先生です。間違いも丁寧に教えていただけるのでいつも勉強になっています。 |
for Woody W. 先生 |
Setsuko様より 会員No.16385 女性 |
It was our first lesson today. I requested that I wanted to practice speaking, then improve my wrong word choices and sentences immediately. I appreciated that he responded to requests them. I was able to learned sophisticated expressions. |
for Richard RO. 先生 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the amazing lesson. I talked you about my worries today. You gave me some advice from a psychological point of view. It was really helpful for me. Because I was able to learn English and Psychology at the same time. It's called coaching in Japan though. For sure I know it's difficult to learn psychology in English. But I'd like you to teach it from various angles. Thanks for always explaining clearly and politely. I look forward to talking with you. |
for Andrew S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In the hush of evening Kerry and I had a fruitful lesson. Kerry is very friendly and cheerful. She speaks intelligibly without a dull moment. I love that there`s never a dull moment in the classes. I hope we get a new lease of life very soon because I am sick of virus and restrictions suck. Thank you very much for the lesson. |
for Kerry S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.36452 (家族会員) 女性 |
優しい先生でした! |
for Shion K. 先生 |
Kei様より 会員No.33206 (家族会員) 男性 |
とてもわかりやすかったです。 |
for Namiko S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
Thank you, Christopher! I took two lessons in a row. This time, we discussed events. We also addressed TV programs, focusing on a panel discussion. Nowadays, most TV shows are run-of-the-mill at best - to make matters worse, they are most conscious of ratings. |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
We talked about work. I spoke of a student committee. Sometimes, they commit infractions of rules, which is why I'm fed up with it! But my dean wound me up. |
匿名様より 会員No.35146 男性 |
とても穏やかな先生で、落ち着いて受講できました。話題もたくさん作ってくださり、話しやすかったです。See you next time! |
for Camille M. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.30784 女性 |
大体2~3ページ分のテキストを勉強します。 全部は記憶出来ない。まだ初歩の段階なのに・・・ 頑張っている事は、理解してもらえてるような気がします。 いつも励ましてもらっています。 |
for Veronica R. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.36707 女性 |
初めてのレッスンでしたが、チエ先生の笑顔に、娘も安心してレッスンを受ける事ができました。 他の体験レッスンもやってみたのですが「うーん、あんまりやりたくないなー」と言ってた娘も、レッスンの途中の段階で「楽しいかも♡」と言っていました。 長過ぎないレッスン時間も良かったと思います。これからも宜しくお願い致します。 |
for Chie MO. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.18346 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson and advice! I enjoyed talking with you so much. See you next time and have a great week! |
for Josh F. 先生 |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! It was a so fun chatting with you! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you next time^^ |
for Makenzy G. 先生 |
Nobu様より 会員No.20347 男性 |
会話が楽しめてとても身になるレッスンです。 皆さんにお薦めしたい講師です。 |
for Karen R. 先生 |
Kinya様より 会員No.10693 男性 |
楽しいレッスンでした。日本文化に興味のある方でしたのでいろいろ日本について話しました。2週間という短い期間で京都や大阪そして東京に行って多くの人とのふれあい、楽しかった思い出を話してくれました。レベルにもよりますがとても気さくに話してくれました。 |
for Erin Q. 先生 |
Mayu様より 会員No.5728 (家族会員) 女性 |
Thank you for the nice lesson! Today I learned the phrase "I don't know when the movie begins." Have a good day! :) |
for Arantxa C. 先生 |
Katsu様より 会員No.23945 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. We talked about religion in the US and Japan. Japanese Shinto enshrine various gods related to myth, nature and animals like fox. And some kinds of religion exist together in Japan. So, Japanese religious spirit might not so strict than Christian in the US. See you next time. |
for Jeanleah P. 先生 |
Len様より 会員No.22413 (家族会員) 男性 |
My son seem to have trouble to say the past tense. It needs some time for him to choose the right verb of past tense such as "do" and "did". The confusing part of learning English is here irregular verbs. I hope he will get though this. |
for Charles M. 先生 |