匿名様より 会員No.36180 女性 |
100 power topicを使ってレッスンをしました。言いにくいフレーズについて、音声変化について説明してくれたり、またレッスン後に模範のReadingの録音を送ってくれて、とても熱心な先生だと思いました。言い間違いなどもきちんど指摘してくれるので、これからも受講したいと思いました。 |
for Scott C. 先生 |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
She is so so nice. Sweet caractor and lovely. I want to talk with her every week. See you next week,Rindha💖 |
for Rindha M. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.27794 女性 |
Thank you for your precise advise! I'll keep it in mind that not to speak fast and concentrate on haw I speak. |
for Asuka KI. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.16861 女性 |
インターネット上の記事を音読して発音チェックしてもらったり、先生に質問してもらって意見交換をしました。 とても勉強になりました。 |
for Aron L. 先生 |
Mie様より 会員No.32204 女性 |
結構、私は文法もしっかり勉強したいタイプなので些細な文法ミスをしっかり直してくれるマヤ先生のレッスンは本当に気に入りました。 質問にも一生懸命答えてくれるし物腰が柔らかなおっとりした雰囲気も心地良いのでまたマヤ先生のレッスンを受けたいです。 |
for Maya S. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
Yesterday's lesson was amazing as always. We first discussed therapeutic benefits with physiotherapists, traditional herbal medicine, tour boat accident in Hokkaido, and more. After that we read through the article about Russia's flagship that sank the other day. Bill taught me a variety of new words and expressions as well as how native speakers use some informal words. He always motivates me to study more. Thanks and see you next time! |
for William A. 先生 |
Atsu様より 会員No.11918 (家族会員) 男性 |
Thank you so much(^^) My son looked happy to talk in English about working vehicles he likes! Thanks(^^) |
for Rubeimin L. 先生 |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
Thank you for your birthday message for him. I have just ordered the cat robot on line which he wants. I do not know why he likes it, because it looks so weird for me... Anyway, he will show you the robot next time(^^;) |
for Rubeimin L. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
It was a first lesson after long time since last time lesson. He chose me an interesting article "Japan makes it easier for grandmas to take fast food jobs." After checking new words, I summarised the content and he gave me interesting questions. He kindly and competently typed up correcton to my words. That's so helpful and effective for my improvement. His great lesson never changes! Thank you, Max and see you next time. |
for Mark M. 先生 |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
You are so so nice teacher. I love his charactor. Thanks Peter, you are my favorite teacher. See you next week💖 |
for Peter M. 先生 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I had a chance to meet and chat with Han-sensei for the first time in a while. It was very enjoyable. I heard that she enjoys cycling. I also tried it for the first time. We shared our experiences together. To my surprise, she has taken up roller skating and badminton. She is an active lady. |
for Hanniel B. 先生 |
Nori様より 会員No.12207 男性 |
Her lesson is always fun because her English is easy to understand and her attitude is basically friendly and polite. I hope see you soon, Kanon :) |
for Kanon S. 先生 |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
とても博識な先生で色々と勉強になります。 |
for Johnny S. 先生 |
Take様より 会員No.15201 男性 |
先生の現地の情報など、日本に居ては知ることができない話もできて、とても面白かったです |
for Mehmet P. 先生 |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
話題が豊富で毎回新鮮な気持ちでレッスンを受けられます。とても快活な先生で、元気をいただいています。 |
for Karen P. 先生 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
Ari-sensei is a good listener. So I was able to speak English very relaxed. She asked what my child's name meant to me. I tried to explain the meaning. It brought back the excitement I felt when my children were born. Also I talked to her about my youngest daughter’s story. I asked her about her business. I had a great time. |
for Ariane C. 先生 |
Risa様より 会員No.36719 女性 |
フリートークを選びましたが先生が話題を振ってくれたため あっという間に時間が過ぎてしまいました。 問題点を聞くと勉強の参考になるURLなども送ってくれてとてもありがたかったです。 とても楽しい時間を過ごせました。 |
for Samantha L. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
The lesson had pass so quickly and I returned myself what I could find new phrases or words after the lesson |
for Chris T. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
Powerful and optimistic teacher! |
for Chris T. 先生 |
匿名様より 会員No.20613 (家族会員) 女性 |
I’m very happy to talk with you ! Hope to see you soon ! |
for Yukari S. 先生 |