お気に入り登録数: 249
名前 | Mark M. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Mexico |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Shinko様より 会員No.4719 女性 |
Today we read an article about reindeer situation. It says reindeer are having a hard time to getting their food in colder winter and get pregnant earlier, which leads to smaller, weaker reindeers. This is all the effect of human-made climate change. That's sad reality but every single one of us should think about what we can do to stop it. I appreciate this kind of articles, which promote our awareness about the serioue issue we are facing. I like this article,, thank you Max! |
Keiko様より 会員No.4866 女性 |
Thank you very much for the funny comment! I always enjoy not only talking to you but also checking your comments;) You are really a good writer!! |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
I enjoyed our discussion as usual. Thank you very much. |
Sati様より 会員No.4098 女性 |
Thank you, Max! Another idiom lesson! You gave me very good examples and explanation!! Hope I can use them freely in the future! |
匿名様より 会員No.7700 |
Today, we talk about the demerit of using internet. I found the same thing is happening in both Japan and US.It was a fun lesson again! |
Fumiko様より 会員No.7122 女性 |
Thank you for your funny lesson as always, Max! I hope your great idea to use the Buckingham palace more usefully will become true one day!! |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
It was nice talking as always. See you again soon. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thank you always for the fruitful discussion. See you again soon. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thank you very much for the discussion about complex topics. See you again soon. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Let us deepen our topic soon later. It's been nice talking to you so far. Thank you very much. |
Sati様より 会員No.4098 女性 |
Thank you, Max, as usual! But I regret a little that I chose a little too long article, though it was quite interesting! Next time I'll find something good for lesson time! See you soon! |
Machi様より 会員No.5638 女性 |
I talked about the snow museum in Asahikawa today. They have a marvelous ice corridor, but it's too cold for Max! You'd better take a look on the internet. |
Haru様より 会員No.3724 女性 |
Thank you very much for the great lesson Max! What with my work,housework,taking care of YUU and my mother,baking soft bread myself and watching Sacchan..I barely have time to learn English! hahaha! See you next time Max! |
Majita様より 会員No.6161 女性 |
Thank you for suggesting the new article for my lesson. It was so interesting. You always do the fun lessons, I can keep my motivations up! See you soon! |
Yuka様より 会員No.4551 女性 |
Unfortunately, finding a trustworthy person is difficult, but am I enough trustworthy? First of all, I want to become a trustworthy person, or monkey...? Thank you for the good story!! |
Comet様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
Today, we had a free conversation about many topics such as Emoji, daily life and world peace. Max asked me a variety of interesting and exciting questions to motivate me to try to organize my ideas. It's always fun. Thank you, Max for your usual encouragement and thoughtful ideas! |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
It was a very interesting discussion as always. Thank you very much. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thank you very much for checking my sentences. See you soon. |
Yasu様より 会員No.5366 男性 |
Thank you, Max! |
Yasu様より 会員No.5366 男性 |
Thank you for your interesting comments, Mike! |
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