お気に入り登録数: 248
名前 | Mark M. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Mexico |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.36963 女性 |
間違った発音について、また、こちらの質問に対し、きちんとチャットで説明してくださいます。ジョークも交えた楽しいレッスンで、毎回、とても勉強になります。 |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much for your logical explanations as usual. See you next time. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much for all the lessons you gave me this year. See you soon next year. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much for all the lessons you provided me this year. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
Today, we talked about the article showing "Kid-adult market". These days, more adults turn to toys to relieve their stress. Toymakers use this trend to create new toys oriented to adults. We talked about this topic with talking our past toy memories. It's so fun and I could deepen my thoughts. Thank you, Max for your teaching and navigation. I really appreciate it. See you next time. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much for your lesson as always. See you next time. |
Koyee様より 会員No.16794 男性 |
He has wise personality who knows well about human life and relationships between students and him. He advised me to practice speaking English. I realized that I am lack of speaking from his suggestion. I am considering how improve my speaking. So, I will write a diary in English every day. The writing let me develop my thinking in the language. Thank you, Max. See you again. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
It was a great lesson to practice summarizing an arthicle and disucussing the contents. Max alyways helps me to express my idea effectively and gives me a lot of beneficial feedback. Thank you, Max for your great lessons and see you next time. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much as always for your lesson. See you next time. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much as usual. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
Today, we talked about the article warning the future of our health, titled "More than half of humans on track to be overweight or obese by 2035 – report". It would be a serious problem in the future, especially for the current children and young people. Max cleared my questions about words and expressions in the article. Further, discussing the contents was so interesting and beneficial. Thank you, Max. You always broadens my horizon. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
We talked about the article with the contents of pricing system these days. This is so informative and lets me know how some companies are pricing with using customers' private data to price their products and services. Max always gives me a lot of new words and expressions and background of the article contents. It is so fun lesson. Thank you, Max and see you next time. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much as always for your lesson. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
Today, we talked about the article "Balloon ride tour into space". It's an unique and adventurous tour going up with a big balloon and a small passengers' capsel to marvel at the beautiful view of the earth. We imagined many cases happening during the tour. It was so fun. Max kindly explained the difficult expressions for me with examples. That's so beneficial and helpful. Thank you, Max for the great and fun lesson as always. See you next time. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much as always for your lesson. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
Today, we talked about the article regarding gender equality reserach. Japan ranked the lowest among OECD countries and the article analized the reasons from the points of several factors. I learned some vocabury I'm now familiar with and Max also gave me what the words are meaning in the article. It was so beneficial to understand the contents deeply. Thank you, Max. I'm a lucky person to have your lessons. See you next time. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much as always for your lesson. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.39748 男性 |
いつも楽しいTopic記事を選択して読んでいます。Markは発音や単語の意味などを丁寧に説明してくれますので読解やスピーキングの練習にとても勉強になります。 |
匿名様より 会員No.4174 女性 |
It was a fruitful lesson as always. We talked about the article featuring whale meat vending machines. It was unexpected for me that they sell well because I think most people don't like the taste now. But nobody knows the future of the business. Anyway I learned a various background for this topic. Max taught me helpful words and expressions and corrected my pronunciation. I really enjoyed the lesson as always. Thank you, Max and see you next time. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much again for your lesson. See you next time. |
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