お気に入り登録数: 72
名前 | Gillian Y. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | イギリス |
現住国 | Italy |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.2677 女性 |
I had a great lesson with kind Ms.Gillian as always. This time we had a free talk, and she asked me if I watched Olympic I am not interested in sports very much, so I couldn't reply the names of events such as "2000 meter run" and "long jump". I noticed I don't know the words that I am not interested in, so not deciding topics in advance would be fruitful lessons as well as setting a topic that I would like to study intensively. We also talked about how to help refugees. Because the sound was cracking today, I couldn't hear her well this time, but she spoke slowly and typed me what she said, so I appreciate for her kindess. |
匿名様より 会員No.43048 女性 |
言葉に詰まってしまっても急かさず待っていてくださるので安心してレッスンを受けることができました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.2677 女性 |
I appreciate for Ms. Gillian's kind lesson. She is very thoughtful and gives me a broad range of knowledge about the world, and helps me expand vocabulary. I really enjoy talking with her and the lesson is truly beneficial. |
Reiko様より 会員No.43581 女性 |
Thanks for your kind lesson:D I am satisfied with your lesson very much because you deepen my understanding with many good questions! I would like to talk to you again soon:) |
Kaori様より 会員No.41202 女性 |
Thank you for giving me advice. I agree that keeping doing small exercise in everyday helps a lot to enhance English speaking ability. I’ll make efforts to achieve my goal. |
匿名様より 会員No.2677 女性 |
Ms.Gillian is absolutely thoughtful and kind. She kindly prepared me the text book that is necessary for me which I didn't notice its importance. She let me know a lot of things in 25 minutes. Thank you very much and I appreciate for her kind lesson as always. |
匿名様より 会員No.2677 女性 |
Ms.Gillian speaks clear English which is very easy to understand. She is always nice and patient when I have difficult time to choose right English words. She also has a very positive way of thinking so I felt much better after talking with her about climate changes. I really appreciate for her kind lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.41803 男性 |
英語の試験のために 初めてお話ししましたが、良かったです。 自分では思いつかない解答例をいただけるので勉強になります。 |
Marika様より 会員No.41428 女性 |
Sometimes I'm very nervous, but she is very friendly and gentle so I could enjoy the lesson! Thank you so much. |
yasu様より 会員No.26285 男性 |
Thank you very much for your lesson today. It was a nice lesson for me to learn how to study various useful phrases in english. I am looking forward to seeing you next. |
匿名様より 会員No.31590 女性 |
とても優しい先生です。相手の気持ちをよく理解してくださるので、間違えていてもいなくても自分の考えを素直に話すことができます。 |
Yuki様より 会員No.29611 男性 |
Happy to connect with you. In this lesson, we did a brief self-introduction and then talked about Harry Potter and the things behind the movie. Also, she taught me effective ways of acquiring a desirable accent. Her calm manner of speaking made me feel at ease during the class. Thank you, Gillian. Maybe we could delve into the world of Hogwarts next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.3636 女性 |
Thank you for your great lesson, Gillian! Your explanation was crystal clear! See you soon! |
匿名様より 会員No.9884 男性 |
Skypeの音ズレが大きくレッスンにならなかった。 |
匿名様より 会員No.18467 女性 |
Thank you for the wonderful lesson. After chatting about my home town, we discussed the article that she picked for me. Monet's gardens are one of the area I want to visit someday. I learned new vocabularies about flowers, trees and arts. I really enjoyed the lesson. |
Yumi様より 会員No.6708 女性 |
フリートークを選択しましたが、トピックを決めて会話し、英語が間違っている場合にはチャットボックスで訂正してくれました。英文を復習することができるのでとても良かったです。落ち着いた雰囲気の先生で私には合っていました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.5172 女性 |
丁寧にお話される方です。初めてでしたのでお互い自己紹介と最近の其々のお国状況の話になりました。次も又色々な話題をシェア出来ると楽しいだろうと思います。 |
匿名様より 会員No.4152 女性 |
Gillian先生との初めてのレッスンでした。自分の準備不足のため、急遽フリートークとさせていただきましたが、終始楽しく話ができて、会話のキャッチボールの良い練習ができました。 |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
Thanks very much for your lesson. See you next time. |
hiro様より 会員No.4394 男性 |
It was nice meeting you today and thank you very much for your lesson. See you next time. |
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