お気に入り登録数: 120
名前 | Heather N. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Australia |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 初級 |
Maiko様より 会員No.17081 女性 |
いつも充実した素晴らしいレッスンです! |
Maiko様より 会員No.17081 女性 |
とてもフレンドリーで優しく、いつも安心してレッスンを受けれます。 |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
Thank you for the great lesson! You taught me the subtle difference between "embarrassed" and "ashamed." As you gave me some example sentences, I understand it clearly. Learning English is not easy, but it's also interesting for me. I hope you have a wonderful time in Hawaii! See you next time! |
Maiko様より 会員No.17081 女性 |
とっても充実したレッスンで、時間があっという間に過ぎます! もう1年以上継続してHeather先生のレッスンを受けています。来年も受けます! |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
Thank you so much for the wonderful lesson. You always solve my questions and give me very clear answers. I really appreciate it. I can't wait our next session!! |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
Great lesson. I can't say thank you enough for her kindness. The article was a little difficult for me, but she helped me understand some unfamiliar words. I'll keep studying! See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
Taking your lesson is always a great joy for me. In today's lesson, you taught me how native speakers make sentences naturally. As you said, some of our sentences are grammatically correct but different from native speakers' ones. That's one of the difficult points but interesting points in studying English. You also taught me how to use the word "encounter" variously. Thank you so much! See you next time!! |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
As it was our first lesson in a while, we caught up with each other. Heather told me about her lovely trip to Spain and the UK. I totally enjoyed all the stories. I felt like I was in Spain. I shared the story about my trip to a hot spring. We really had a wonderful time together! I can't wait our next lesson!! |
Maiko様より 会員No.17081 女性 |
いつも本当に充実した時間で、時間があっという間にすぎます! これからもずっとHeather先生のレッスンを受講し続けたいです! |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
Thank you for the excellent lesson. I was interested in in-house pet sitters in Australia. It's interesting that some sitters apply from other countries. They try to have some experience abroad and work at the same time. If I were young, I would give it a try. Thanks again and have a wonderful trip!! |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
We had a great time together. I can't say thank you enough for providing such a fantastic class. Looking forward to your next lesson! See you then. |
匿名様より 会員No.24780 女性 |
いつもフリートークレッスンでお願いしています。トークをしながら文法、発音を丁寧に直してくださり、レビューも大変丁寧に書いてくださいます。先生のお人柄も大変素敵で、英語学習以上にいろいろ学ぶことができます。 |
Maiko様より 会員No.17081 女性 |
いつも笑顔で穏やかな雰囲気なので、緊張せずに楽しくレッスンを受けてます。 毎回、きちんとレビューを送ってくれるがとても為になってます! |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
Before reading today's article about British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's resignation following the wave of MPs' resignations, we spent much time catching up with each other. I shared my story about a large plum harvest and my first batch of jam. Heather told me about her younger sister staying her home. It was so much fun talking with her. I also learned a new idiom "one too many" and how to use "on" with days and date. I found out that English is changing and grammar is changing. Heather's explanations were perfect for me. Thank you so much for your patience and kindness! See you next time! |
Maiko様より 会員No.17081 女性 |
今日のレッスンもとても充実したレッスンでした! Heather先生は、本当にいつも明るくにこやかで、話題が豊富で時間があっという間にに過ぎます! そして、間違えをちゃんと訂正してくれるので、とても為になります。また受けます! |
匿名様より 会員No.24780 女性 |
毎回レッスン開始前にSkypeで連絡をくださったり、レッスン中のウェルカムボードに名前を書いてくださるなど、人柄が素晴らしい先生です。もちろんレッスンも素晴らしく、25分があっという間にすぎてしまう程の充実感です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.24672 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson!! とても親身になってレッスンを進めて下さいました。人柄も素敵な先生です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.16868 女性 |
I really enjoyed the class today. It was our first lesson in six weeks, so we spent much time catching up with each other. It was so much fun. We also read the article about tougher gun control deal in the U.S. Heather told me some underlying issues in the country. Thank you for being my wonderful teacher, Heather! Stay healthy and see you soon!! |
Maiko様より 会員No.17081 女性 |
いつも楽しく充実したレッスンで、時間があっという間に過ぎます。 いつもフリートークレッスンを受けますが、ただ会話するだけでは無くて、文法や発音ミスをしっかり指摘してくれるので、とても為になります。 とてもフレンドリーで笑顔が素敵な先生です! |
Yuri様より 会員No.15039 女性 |
She is very very very nice teacher!!!!! |
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