お気に入り登録数: 14
名前 | Maricar A. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Ken様より 会員No.3700 男性 |
Thank you so much. See you soon. |
Haruka様より 会員No.16910 女性 |
Thank you very much.My daughter was so exited tonight.You were kind to her so she did her best. |
Ken様より 会員No.3700 男性 |
Thank you so much. see you soon. |
Ken様より 会員No.3700 男性 |
Thank you so much. see you soon. |
Ken様より 会員No.3700 男性 |
Thank you so much. See you soon. |
Fumi様より 会員No.11287 男性 |
This is a 2nd lesson with tutor Maricar. I enjoyed very much. She gave me some advice for English learning. Ms.Maricar, Thank you for your lesson. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. |
fumy様より 会員No.9654 女性 |
How comfortable and enjoyable to talk with her during the lesson. She is one of the professional teacher who has installed the strongest patience to listen to students. :) |
Fumi様より 会員No.11287 男性 |
Maricar-san! Thank you for your today's lesson. I enjoyed very much. You gave me a lot of chance to talk in English. You pointed out my mistake properly. You gave me some advice for English learning. I'm interested in your prior job related to Wine, and looking forward to seeing you again! |
Nono様より 会員No.10288 女性 |
I have shared my experience of hiking which I went last week. When we talked about weather in Japan and Philippines, we found that the highest temperatures are quite the same but Japan has way more gap of the temperature. She introduced me the idea of grounding, (also called earthing) so I'm planning to try it this weekend. |
Nono様より 会員No.10288 女性 |
We have talked about different school systems in Japan and the Philippines. It seems like we have quite different educational systems. Also Education is gradually being very important that it is getting harder to get a job without a higher education. Very interesting topic;) Thank you, Maricar! |
Nono様より 会員No.10288 女性 |
We talked about difficulties of rasing children especially for mothers who have work. It was nice of you to tell me about your nanny and how to process "immunization". It was really interesting topic and felt like we could talk forever.haha see you soon! |
Rena様より 会員No.9053 女性 |
楽しみにしていたレッスンは残念な結果に終わりました。レッスンは、先生の時間確認のミスの為10分遅れてスタートしました。謝罪はありません。オフィスから連絡を頂き時間の延長の確約でレッスンを受けました。2コマの連続レッスンだったため開始10分過ぎに5分休憩するか、続けるか子供は先生に確認し、先生が休憩を選び、開始13分で休憩。5分後に再度レッスンを開始するもさらに10分が自己紹介。盛り上がってもいない。ファーストレッスンだから、長いのもわかるが25分ではそれだけで終了してしまう。リクエストは、テキストのファイルを送信済み。子供にテキストをするように伝えたが、先生はファイルがないという。もう一度送信しようとするとあったと。ファイルは2ページで読解の長文と、質問。長文の音読を三回したところで時間だからとレッスン終了。トータル43分。後7分あったら質問もできたのでは? 講師歴3年以上ならば、レッスンの確認は最低限して欲しい。テキストをせずに自己紹介を25分やり、テキストの2ページ目は確認もしない。先生が遅れて時間延長は理解していたのにレッスンの打ち切り。子供相手だったからでしょうか?何年もオンラインレッスンをしていますが、こんな残念な先生に当たったのは初めてです。 母子ともに、二度ととらないと思いますが、フリートークなら良いかもしれません。お話し好きです。 レッスンもリーディングの仕方も良く、この後どんなレッスンなの?と、楽しみだっただけに残念です。 |
Nono様より 会員No.10288 女性 |
We mainly talked about cars & driving. We also talked about how women easily get abused by society in Asian countries. It's difficult for un-native speaker to have a good pronounciation, but you made me think that I should use English more often! It's always nice that you give me new words and type them in skype chat box. |
hiromi様より 会員No.7157 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. We talked about my previous job and natural foods which are good for health. I realy enjoyed talking to you.Thank you. |
Nono様より 会員No.10288 女性 |
It was our first lesson and we talked about the relationship between yoga meditation and dance which we assume that they are connected and transferable in some ways. Her English was very easy to listen to. She is calm and enthusiastic. |
shige様より 会員No.9347 男性 |
Hello Maricar-san! Thank you for the lesson(Fryday 17:30,March 24,2017) In this lesson,I couldn't explain well the words I should tell when I go to visit my sick friend. I want to say "You look well", even I felt she looked pale. See you again! |
匿名様より 会員No.9409 男性 |
We talked about the way to learn grammar in class actively. She evaluate my idea good and advice something about it. Thanks. See you soon. |
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