お気に入り登録数: 358
名前 | Karen R. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.3974 女性 |
とても優しくてよい先生です。 |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
カレンとは1年半、もうすぐ2年になります。 おかげで会話力が大きく伸びました。 |
Kei様より 会員No.9285 男性 |
いつも楽しくレッスンして頂いてます。2021年も受講したいと思っています。 |
Nobu様より 会員No.20347 男性 |
I really appreciate your continuous support for my son and me this year. See you next year. Have a good new year's day. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
I assumed that you had a good merry Christmas. You're enjoying your life with your style. Hope seeing you again. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
Dear Karen R. エイゴックスで英語を初めて約1年半。 カレンには大変お世話になりました。とても教えるのが上手な先生です。 今年は特に秋の大阪城や京都の紅葉の散歩に付き合ってもらって、 散歩と英語の学習ができ私の健康と英語の上達におおいに貢献してくれました。 今年度はこれで終わる予定です。 来年度の初めにはまた再開でよろしくお願いします、 Best regards |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
Osaka is one step ahead of the pandemic. Medical facilities are on the verge of collapse. I can't go for a walk too far. Kyoto walk with Karen will be left for the time being. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
大阪は非常事態宣言の一歩手前のような状態です。 |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
Walking around Kinkakuji with Karen. Unfortunately, Kinkakuji main tample was covered becase of repairing. But the garden autumn leaves beautifl. |
Nobu様より 会員No.20347 男性 |
とても落ち着いたフレンドリーな雰囲気なので、 リラックスしてレッスンが受けられます。 |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
Walking near my park with Karen. I like this style. Walking exercise and English practice. One stone with two birds. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
I walked around Osaka Castle in autumn with Karen. A popular era of drama. I couldn't explain the times of Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu well. There is not enough preparation. The joke of Hideyoshi and Osaka Castle, which the citizens like, was made well. |
Nobu様より 会員No.20347 男性 |
いつもフレンドリーで、 プライベートの話もしながら、 友人と会話を楽しんでいる感覚であっという間に時間が過ぎます。 それでこそ自分の身になるんじゃないかと思ってます。 |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
After this lesson I'll have a plan of one or two break. It hard for an old man to keep consecutive monthly lesson. I plan to show Karen to the beautiful autumn leaves in Osaka. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
One more lesson to go and I'll have one or two weeks break. I adjust to the season of fallen leaves in autumn. I want to take some Eigox teachers including Karen to see the beautiful autumn landscape in Osaka. Can I be a good guide ? |
Kei様より 会員No.9285 男性 |
Thanks for nice lesson! Every time your lesson is really enjoyable. See you! |
yasu様より 会員No.26285 男性 |
Thank you very much for your lesson today. I enjoyed listening and speaking in English using the text on the website. It is surprising that you know Japan very well. I am looking forward to seeing you next. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
Karen seemed not well these days. It seemed she doesn't feel well today. The bearish became a topic today. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
It's been over a year and a half with Karen. It's like having a normal daily conversation. I can speak to the extent that I do not feel that I am speaking English. She is speaking to me according to my English level. |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
Karen is a hard worker. She works hard. She takes care of two daughters and husband and father. She was sick last time lesson. And now she looks well. Japan was very poor after the war and now one of he rich country. We have to look the reason that why Japan succeed and Philippines failed. An old man is saying. |
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