お気に入り登録数: 479
名前 | Mark D. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | イギリス |
現住国 | Czech Republic |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.16779 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson! Sorry about the web camera! As the season heads for autumn in Tokyo, the number of tourists has increased. According to it patients with a fever, pain caused by cystitis, or the stomach problems. My opportunities to play an active role are increasing. I have to improve English more! So I'm looking forward to having your class again. See you! |
Sonnia様より 会員No.18963 女性 |
Thank you Mark you are very open, warm and let me feel few distance and also disclose my concern, so it was my pleasure to have conversation with you too. Understanding Brexit may bring huge change to usual life hope it finnally get done in good way. |
Susan様より 会員No.19549 女性 |
It was a great lesson in creativity and ways of learning. Mark's class is productive and fun. Mark corrects my mistake careful and patience, I learned a lot useful word. thank you! |
Ulala様より 会員No.20074 女性 |
Thank you for your time! It was so much helpful. See you soon! |
Aya様より 会員No.9917 女性 |
We talked about lovely cats Mark has. They like to stay outside almost the whole day. They start mewing wanting to be outside at 4am in the early morning, just when the sun is starting to come up a bit. Then they are called to come back home at 6 pm by their owner Mark. It was a lovely story. |
dogwood様より 会員No.7263 女性 |
I was happy to have good conversation. I would like to improve my speaking ability to have more productive discussion. See you soon!! |
Aya様より 会員No.9917 女性 |
I've read about MMT. That's a new economic theory. Even though big campanies made a large profit ,they stocked the money only for security in the future. They don't devide money to employees. As a result economy is getting worse because people don't buy things. MMT said when a government has their own currency they should issue the currency much more for public serveces. Some economists say that MMT seems like to be "earth motion theory" against "geocentric theory" I want Mark to check these sentences if there is an opportunity in the class. |
Yuko様より 会員No.5762 女性 |
Thank you for the great lesson, as always! |
Ulala様より 会員No.20074 女性 |
Thank you so much for your time. It was really helpful for me to learn how to describe myself in English. I'll practice as much as I could. I'm looking forward to see you soon again! |
Aya様より 会員No.9917 女性 |
Today's lesson was the first time in two weeks. I prepared reading something written in English in a loud voice by myself ahead of the class. I also practiced opening my mouth wide and narrow. My goal is to be able to speak what I want and know about other countries in a timely manner. Mark always help me develop my Engkish skill. |
yuka様より 会員No.20154 女性 |
thank you for the lesson. It was so meaningful time. I am deeply indebted to you. |
tomi様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
Australia`s central bank landed in hot water on Thursday, but not for its monetary policy. A typo on the new $50 bill was spotted by an eagle-eyed listener of a radio station, nearly seven months after it went into circulation. Perhaps ironically, the oversight was of the word " responsibility", or " responsibilty" as the bank note puts it. The bank says it`s Australia`s most widely circulated note. Around 46 million of these are now thought to be carrying the typos, wich appear three times on every single new "50". The notes feature a head shot of Edith Cowan, Australia`s first female lawmaker, and excerpt from her speech that was supposed to highlight the responsiblity she feels as an elected member of Parliament. The Reserve Bank of Australia has accepted responsiblity and says they`ll correct their blunder in the next print run. |
Yoko様より 会員No.13175 女性 |
Thank you for your great lesson. I really enjoyed. I want to see your gardens. See you next lesson! |
Mari様より 会員No.18064 女性 |
Thank you for your nice lesson today. See you soon! |
Isao様より 会員No.10245 男性 |
久しぶりにMark先生の授業を受けましたが、改めてとても良いレッスンだったと思います。 話し方も明瞭ですし、ディスカッションでは間髪入れずに色々な質問をしてくれますし、こちらが 話した内容についてもきちんとリアクションしてくださいます。日本の事情にもとても詳しくフリートークでも話が途切れたりすることがありません。何よりこのクオリティのレッスンが50ポイントで受けられるというのが本当に有難いです。今後もレッスンを続けたいと思います。 |
匿名様より 会員No.20134 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! It's helpful for me. |
tomi様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
Just a normal Sunday, or so I thought, but I got a kick out of Mark`s accounts and I had a field day talking to Mark, that made me feel good and kick start the long week. Mark, thank you very much for today`s lesson, have a great week. |
Iku様より 会員No.19833 女性 |
社会分野の話が苦手なので、そういった単語を使った話をしました。 簡単な言い回しなどを教えていただき、会話に使える表現が増えるのでありがたいです。 |
Iku様より 会員No.19833 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson. I learned some new expressions. |
Iku様より 会員No.19833 女性 |
Thank you for the fun lesson. |
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