お気に入り登録数: 553
名前 | Fenny V. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Serbia |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 上級 |
匿名様より 会員No.16779 女性 |
セルビアのコロナの状態を聞き、参考になった。 警戒感も、日本人以上に持たれている。 政治経済、公衆衛生などについての生の声を聞くことができた授業だった。 |
匿名様より 会員No.28501 女性 |
優しくてとてもいい先生でしたが、娘が途中から一切話さなくなりました… 初めてのレッスンだったので先生はいろいろ質問してくれましたが、緊張と答え方がわからなかったみたいで無言になってしまいました。まだフリートークは娘には難しかったようです。 少し話せる子にはぴったりの先生だと思います。 |
Akari様より 会員No.6972 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson! Looking forward to the next lesson! |
Akari様より 会員No.6972 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson! I haven't spoken English for a while so I got stuck with words, but still I enjoyed the talk with you. |
Akari様より 会員No.6972 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson. My daughter has been pretty tiered these days due to looong screen time due to the distance learning. It was good to chat but she definitely lacked some energy. Hope she can talk more next time. See you soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.22388 女性 |
I had a good time to talk with her. She talked me in natural speed. I was inspired from this lesson. |
Akari様より 会員No.6972 女性 |
Sorry for being late to write this comment. Thank you very much for the lesson. It is very good that she feels comfortable to express her thoughts in English but hope that she improves (uses better expression, phrases, etc.) to tell what she did and what she thought. Thank you very much as always. See you soon. |
Akari様より 会員No.6972 女性 |
Hi, thank you very much for the lesson last night. I was not with Akari so I only know what she told me, but she felt that the time was short and she wanted to talk more, which is very good. Hope to continue this topic during the next lesson. She has more to share with you. Glad that she managed to have a lesson while I am away. Thank you and see you soon. |
Nao様より 会員No.17709 女性 |
Thank you!I had good time with you. |
pihui様より 会員No.16804 女性 |
Thank you for the joyful class. Though the conversation in the drama is kind of difficult to me, I think it will be a good challenge for me in this year. |
Nao様より 会員No.16156 男性 |
I introduced myself.I talked about traveling abroad. She told me about hers. I think I could speak English. |
GO様より 会員No.16169 男性 |
I learned the difference in how to use make and work. It is a very new discovery. Very happy. I will do my best to get used to something more English is familiar. |
GO様より 会員No.16169 男性 |
Today I met my teacher for the first time and I spoke mostly English, but I was surprised because I am good at Japanese. It was a lot of fun. |
Ruru様より 会員No.14722 女性 |
Thank you for the easy to understand explanation. |
匿名様より 会員No.12480 男性 |
ありがとうございました。 色々と日常生活に必要な言葉を教えて貰えて良かったです。子供に早速実践してみたいと思います。 |
Megumi様より 会員No.12902 女性 |
Thank you for Lesson. Talking in English is very difficult for me. But I want to continue. I will do my best. |
Momo様より 会員No.13020 女性 |
親切に対応下さいました。 お話も興味深かったです。 |
Monburan様より 会員No.10395 女性 |
Thank you very much! いつもわからなくてあやふやになって先生を待たせてしまう感じになってすみません…。 Let's meet again! |
Monburan様より 会員No.10395 女性 |
Thank you! enjoy your lesson! Let's meet again! |
Seri様より 会員No.10409 女性 |
楽しかったです |
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