お気に入り登録数: 553
名前 | Fenny V. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Serbia |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 上級 |
ryou様より 会員No.9615 男性 |
Thank you for a teacher,the lesson of several day. A second interview was over safely today. The son was able to gain confidence in the lesson of teacher very much!Please play for passing it. See you again! |
Aiko様より 会員No.9635 女性 |
Thank you for teaching me. I'd like to ask you about countries you have ever been to. See you again. |
Tomoki様より 会員No.5138 男性 |
いつもとても感じがよくて、説明もわかりやすいです。子供も先生と話すのを毎回楽しみにしています。 |
Natsu様より 会員No.9299 女性 |
It was fun!!! Thank you very much. See you. |
Mizuki様より 会員No.2641 女性 |
I am so sorry that I forgot about your lesson last night... I hope to see you soon. |
Akari様より 会員No.6972 女性 |
Thank you for a fun lesson with my daughter. She loves talking with you in a relaxed atmosphere. Sorry that I cut in and asked you to stop Q&As and do the conversation but I just wanted her to spend more time to talk this time and I appreciate that you accepted my request and had a fun conversation with her. I'm hoping that she can speak more on her own, without my help. I may stay back and try to be quiet next time. See you soon. |
Ryosuke様より 会員No.9177 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I have a good lesson. I'd like to talk again. |
Atsuko様より 会員No.8144 女性 |
Thank you! |
匿名様より 会員No.8524 女性 |
Thankyou for your lesson.See you. |
Akari様より 会員No.6972 女性 |
Thank you again for a good lesson. My daughter is relaxed when speaking with you so it was a good atmosphere as always. I wish there were a bit more talk about the snow based on the material but obviously it was not snowing in Tokyo and it was a bit hard to keep on talking about it. But she enjoyed the pictures of snow winter in Holland and also talking about new year holidays in Japan. Thank you and we wish you a good winter holidays! See you soon. |
Yoko様より 会員No.6482 女性 |
Fenny chose an article from BBC news: In Macedonia, teenagers made cash by making up fake stories on websites from advertising during the US election campaign. Fenny told me the average salary there, where Fenny used to live. I got to know something new again from her lesson. Thank you, Fenny. |
Takeshi様より 会員No.3846 男性 |
Talked about my stay in Japan and some funny topics about transportation, such as train and new car generation. Looking forward to having next lesson with her. |
Akira様より 会員No.8686 男性 |
人見知りな娘ですが、楽しくレッスンが出来たようでした。ありがとうございました。(母代筆) |
Keiichi様より 会員No.8180 男性 |
It was nice to meet you, Fenny. I was surprised by how many places you had lived in. Your life is full of excitement. I wanted ask you a lot more questions but there was no time left. Thank you for the interesting class. I look forward to talking to you again. |
SAKURA様より 会員No.8720 女性 |
体験で9歳の娘がお世話になりました。人見知りで恥ずかしがり屋なのでとても緊張していましたが、たくさん褒めながら進めていただいて終わった後は楽しかったと言っていました。またお願いしたいと思います。 |
kotaro様より 会員No.7481 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson! I was very surprised that you can speak more than three languages, and this encouraged me to learn English very hard. I hope to see you soon again. |
Akari様より 会員No.6972 女性 |
Thank you for a fun and good lesson for my daughter. After enjoying a chat about her sleep-walk experience, my daughter said that the lesson was very fun! Your instructions and advise regarding the purpose of the author of the text was really good and helpful. Looking forward to your next lesson. |
Yoko様より 会員No.6482 女性 |
Fenny chose an article, "Dying British girl convinces judge to let her body be frozen." While reading, I felt dizzy as if I were in a maze of life and death. I always feel pleased that Fenny choose interesting articles. I learn many things and useful words from her. Thank you very much, Fenny. |
Kyu-bi様より 会員No.8456 男性 |
先日は体験レッスンありがとうございました。 息子も楽しかったそうです。 今後ともレッスンよろしくお願いいたします!! |
匿名様より 会員No.8440 |
Thank you for giving me your wonderful classes. Your presented news web site is very useful for me. I will make efforts to study English little by little. |
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