お気に入り登録数: 553
名前 | Fenny V. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Serbia |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 上級 |
Tomoe様より 会員No.12754 女性 |
風邪をひいていらっしゃったのか、咳で中断することがしばしばありました。最後は咳が止まらなくなり、とても心配になってしまい、授業どころではなくなってしまい、とても残念でした。 |
Seon様より 会員No.12513 男性 |
It was for the first time, but you could take the lesson smoothly.Thank you very much. |
Tadaomi様より 会員No.12353 男性 |
Thank you so much for your good advices on ways to improve my English. See you next time! |
Eiji様より 会員No.5799 男性 |
Thank you very much for your enjoyable lesson. We could talk a lot about culture and history of the world. Look forward to seeing you soon! |
匿名様より 会員No.3651 女性 |
Hi Fenny, it is good to see you after a while. The reason I am interested in your country, Netherlands, is once it was regarded a quite successful society in terms of diversity. There were lots of so called "pillars" there which functioned as multi-layered catch-nets, to include various people as community members. Now some people in the country started to change their minds and to think welcoming outsiders might not be a good idea always. I wanted to know what experiences changed their views. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic. |
Mizuki様より 会員No.2641 女性 |
100パワー・トピックスを使ってレッスンをしてもらいました。8歳の子どもがとても楽しくレッスンをしてもらいました。またよろしくお願いいたします。 |
匿名様より 会員No.6383 女性 |
Thank you for your enjoyable lesson. I've had a great time, talking with you about such an interesting topic. |
Mari様より 会員No.12410 女性 |
You are a great teacher! My daughter is so happy to get your class. |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
It was nice meeting you. Thank you for the good lesson. Enjoy the rest of your day! |
Mao様より 会員No.12379 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I enjoyed free conversation with you. |
Ben様より 会員No.7914 男性 |
This was our first lesson, so we began with our self-introduction. Then I consulted her about English test for checking my English skills and their improvement. She kindly explained features of some exams. It helps me very much. After that, I asked her to check and correct some English sentences about which I had questions. Since she is a Japanese-English translator, she can tell me whether the translation is correct or not. She can translate even colloquial Japanese phrase like "Sukkiri shita", which is difficult to translate into English even if I look at some dictionaries. Thank you, Fenny. See you. |
匿名様より 会員No.10810 女性 |
Thank you for the lesson. I had fun with talkig about Music! I want to talk again, so see you next time^^ |
Monburan様より 会員No.10395 女性 |
Thank you! |
Mizuki様より 会員No.2641 女性 |
8歳の子どもが初めてFenny先生のレッスンを受けました。落ち着いていて説明も丁寧で、また適度に質問もしてくださいました。とてもいい先生です。ぜひまた受けたいです! |
Yuzuki様より 会員No.975 男性 |
Thank you for the lesson and sorry for his poor attitude. It is sometimes difficult for him to have a lesson with a new teacher...I hope this won't discourage you to have more lessons with us. See you! |
Hiro様より 会員No.11966 男性 |
初めてのレッスンでした。解りやすく進行してくれて、時に日本語も交えとてもよかった。わからない語句でこちらが困っていると日本語で助けてくれてとても嬉しかった。また受けてみたいと思いました。 |
Hisa様より 会員No.11477 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. |
Yoshimi様より 会員No.9796 女性 |
I really enjoy Fenny's lesson everytime! My English improves gradually thanks to her. |
Isao様より 会員No.10245 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. He was a little nervous and did not talk so much as he usually does, but I think he will soon get used to your lesson. I bought the book five, so we will see you soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.11172 女性 |
I had a good time. Fenny taught me studying abroad, so It really helped me out. Thank you so much. |
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