講師詳細Teacher's Details

Rochele M. (ロシェル M.先生)




  1. レッスン提供数: 11569回
  2. 講師のキャンセル率: 4%
  3. すっぽかし率: 0%

お気に入り登録数: 601

名前 Rochele M.
性別 女性
国籍 フィリピン
現住国 Philippines
日本語 なし
Eigox登録日 2018年08月31日 (登録期間 : 5年8ヶ月)
講師経験年数 3年未満
ニックネーム Chel (シェル)



My name is Chel.


Back when I was young, I came across an English book from the school book fair. It was 2nd hand, old, musty and some of the pages came loose when I held it. It was cheap but it looked interesting so I bought it.


I started to read the first chapter...then I quit.


I initially didn't enjoy the book because it was utterly difficult to comprehend. English is not my first language so I struggled to understand what the story was about. I was an elementary student so I had some setbacks in learning English, which later became one of my major interests.


One day, I felt bored at home and I saw the book again. It made me feel interested to read back and I suddenly questioned the reason behind the cover. What is this book really about?


I wrote all the difficult words and expressions. During my elementary days, a computer was not affordable for us (smartphones are yet to exist) so I had to visit the school library to look up the meaning, and unluckily, some expressions were not discoverable in the dictionary so I had to use a school computer. After a week, I was granted permission from my teacher to use one. It took me a while before I finally understood the story.


I finished the book anyway! It was a story about a magical ghost horse that showed up to a girl asking for some help. It was an awesome story for a young girl.


I came to realize how learning English can be very beneficial. English provided me with a wider interpretation of society than before. The world is such a big place and offers a lot of adventures. I was glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone and studied another language.


From then on, I started to pay more attention and I invested more time to study English. I'm grateful that because of this language, I gained my professional career when I was still an employee. I felt like I did not have to work every day because I love what I do. I communicated with native English speakers every day and it connected me to the other side of the world.


It was initially difficult for me, but because I wanted to learn more, I exerted greater effort and committed myself to what my real goal is. I had to undergo numerous lessons and training to polish and sharpen my English skills. It was all worth learning.


Learning English is not an easy process. There are no shortcuts. Dreams are not easy because they require work and commitment so as studying English.

If you wish to start as a beginner or simply keep your fluency, I can help. I can assure you that I will be a great listener, a genuine friend, and a passionate teacher all at the same time.


I'm going to leave you with a very special quote and I hope it inspires you to study harder.


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

- Confucius

See you!ico_hurt





I was born in a local area and was raised by my grandparents. We live within the 6km radius of the beautiful Mayon Volcano which is situated in Southern Luzon. It's a permanent danger zone so we evacuate if needed.

I was speaking our local dialect until I was 5. It's a totally different language from Tagalog, which is the Philippines' mother tongue.
Eventually, I moved to my parent's home to study in the city.
I learned proper Tagalog at 6 years old.

I was 11 when I discovered that I have an unusual interest in English. 
Since then, I never stopped improving and I dreamt of being able to speak with native English speakers like a pro, and I did it!

趣味 映画・ドラマ, お笑い・コメディー, ニュース・ドキュメント, 音楽, カラオケ, 読書, 車・バイク, お酒, 料理, 美容・ファッション, 芸能・タレント, 植物・ガーデニング, ボランティア活動, 家族・子育て, 外国語, 政治・経済, 歴史, その他(I enjoy planting trees in my backyard, learning new recipes, and binge- watching documentaries on Netflix.)
キッズ 日常英会話(入門) 日常英会話(初級) 日常英会話(中級) 日常英会話(上級) ビジネス英語(入門)
ビジネス英語(初級) ビジネス英語(中級) ビジネス英語(上級) 旅行英語 ドラマ・映画英語 時事英語
文法 発音 ボキャブラリー 英検 TOEIC TOEIC SW
TOEFL IELTS 学習方法カウンセリング
  • Side by Side 1 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (中級)
  • Side by Side 2 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • Smart English (Starter)
  • Side by Side 3 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • Smart English 1
  • Side by Side 4 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • Smart English 2
  • 100 Power Topics (初級)
  • Smart English 3
  • 100 Power Topics (初中級)
  • Smart English 4
  • 100 Power Topics (中級)
  • Smart English 5
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (初級)
  • Smart English 6
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (初中級)


ロシェル先生はコールセンターで3年エージェントとしてお仕事をしておられました。ここで鍛えられた先生の英語はアクセントがない、キレイなアメリカ英語です☆ですので発音上達を目指す方には特におススメの先生ですよ。また質問をたくさんしてくれるので、スピーキング力を上げたい方もぜひロシェル先生のレッスンをご受講下さいね! それでは、ロシェル先生を宜しくお願いします♪ (2018/8/31 記載)