お気に入り登録数: 73
名前 | Allan G. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 入門 |
匿名様より 会員No.24041 女性 |
Hope to see you again! |
匿名様より 会員No.22967 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! I enjoyed talking with you! |
匿名様より 会員No.22967 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson🐬 I enjoyed watching videos with you 🦊 see you in our next lesson and enjoy your lunch!🍱 |
Mark様より 会員No.8624 男性 |
Thank you, Allan for you sharing with me how you have been going through your career in your life so far. I'm impressed with your positive mind with which you've gone through so many kinds of jobs since I haven't changed my job in my life so far which is still very common for the majority of Japanese people. Anyway, it was great fun to listen to things related to you as well as your family. I'm looking forward to it on the next as well. Thanks for your lesson this morning and enjoy your weekend, Allan. See you soon. いつも通り、楽しく、友人同士のような会話でした。まるで、週一のお互いの近況報告のようなレッスンでした。私の場合、英語でのコミュニケーションに定期的に触れておくのが目的ですので、これで十分なのですが、彼のパーソナリティーからすれば、他の生徒さんのニーズにあった、きめ細かい対応もきっとしてくれるのだろうな、と想像しています。 |
匿名様より 会員No.22967 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! I enjoyed talking with you! See you next time🦊 |
匿名様より 会員No.24041 女性 |
see you next time |
Mark様より 会員No.8624 男性 |
Thank you, Allan for your informative lesson. Today's topic we talked about was interesting to me as well. I am glad to know what is going on the place where I haven't been. I would like to share together more of what either of us don't know. Thanks and happy birthday to your lovely daughter. Enjoy your great weekend and see you soon. 最近は週末の朝にレッスンを取ることが多いAllan先生ですが、友人のように近況やお互いの家族のことを話たりすることが多いです。マカオでホテルマンの仕事をされている経験も踏まえて、ビジネスの話もしたりと話題も豊富で、時には時間の許す限り、話し込んだりすることもあります。とても親しみやすい先生だと思います。 |
匿名様より 会員No.22967 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! I enjoyed watching videos with you🐬 See you in our next class🐿 |
匿名様より 会員No.22967 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! I enjoyed watching some videos with you!🦊 |
匿名様より 会員No.24041 女性 |
I hope to see you soon! |
匿名様より 会員No.22967 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! I enjoyed talking with you.🐬 |
匿名様より 会員No.24113 女性 |
thank you for your lesson |
Mark様より 会員No.8624 男性 |
It was pleasure chatting with you Saturday morning as usual which has already become one of my my weekend routines. I will see you as soon as next week again for your next lesson. Enjoy your great weekend, Allan. Take care. とても親しみやすい先生で、定期的にレッスンを受けています。近況を伝えあうようなフリートークだったり、時にはインタネット教材を使ったレッスンタイプのトークだったりと、毎回異なるスタイルでレパートリーも豊富です。マカオで働き、ビジネス経験も豊富で共通の話題も多いので、長くレッスンを受けたいと感じる先生です。 |
Mark様より 会員No.8624 男性 |
Thanks, Allan for chatting with me this morning. It was fun as always. I'm looking forward to your next lesson soon. Enjoy your great day! |
Chiaki様より 会員No.25862 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson today I enjoyed it! The article you chose was interesting and I learned a lot of new words. Hope to see you soon:) |
匿名様より 会員No.22967 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson I enjoyed talking with you! |
匿名様より 会員No.24113 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson |
Chuck様より 会員No.12892 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I was surprised at your extensive knowledge about whiskey. I thought that your way of speaking was cool. I enjoyed your class. Thank you. |
Ayami様より 会員No.15716 女性 |
It was an interesting class with you again. You gave me some questions using new phrases. I sometimes had difficulties figuring out the meanings and answering questions, but it was still fun! Thank you and see you next time! |
Mark様より 会員No.8624 男性 |
I wish I could give you six-star review, Allan. Today's lesson was great fun and practical training for me. That made me reply the questions quickly and spontaneously and express my idea, which is one of my challenges to enhance English communication. I appreciate it so much for your dedication to prepare for this. It was great start of this weekend for me to speak with you. See you soon and have a great weekend as well, Allan. |
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