お気に入り登録数: 410
名前 | Odette G. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 中級 |
Aoi様より 会員No.23319 女性 |
Thank you very much for your lesson again. Today she told me she felt a little difficult to understand a grammar. But she enjoyed :) I will book your lesson next week again, see you soon! |
Aoi様より 会員No.23319 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I am glad to hear that my daughter is positively learning English. Recently her best teacher left so she has nothing to look forward to. But now she has gotten fun again to learn English with you. Please get along with her, see you soon! |
Aoi様より 会員No.23319 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson this time. She is getting used to learning English at eigox. Through online lesson, she is getting hearing & speaking skills but I am very worried about how to teach vocabulary. If you have any good idea, please let me know. See you soon :) |
Aoi様より 会員No.23319 女性 |
Hellon Odette, thank you for listening my daughter's long chat about her birthday present :p This year she could not see her friends due to Corona Virus so that she was happy to talk to you. Thank you very much for your lesson, see you soon! |
Aoi様より 会員No.23319 女性 |
Thank you for teaching.Glad to hear my daughter is enjoying your lesson. Now she is very open minded and tell me what she has learned and what she felt. We are looking forward to talking to you again :) |
Nobu様より 会員No.20347 男性 |
My son and I'm looking forward to seeing you the next time. Thank you for your helpful advice. |
Kako様より 会員No.5447 女性 |
Thank you for preparing a useful topic. I'll try to avoid eating oily food and sweets too much. And I try to exercise moderately to stay healthy. I'm looking forward to talking to you. |
匿名様より 会員No.22675 男性 |
オデット先生は、繰り返し練習をすることに付き合ってもらえます。自分の悩みは、英語を棒読みで読んでも日本語と同じように理解が出来なくて、ちょっと違ったことを言われるともう言葉にできないレベルです。なので、日本語のように理解が出来なければ、言葉はいつまでたっても話せないと思います。エイゴックスのマテリアルをいくらこなしても腑に落ちないので先生が選んでくれています。自分ではそれを読んでもなかなかできないので、先生からの質問によりピンとくるようになると思います。まだ始めたばかりなのでどうなるかはわかりませんが、やってみようと思います。 |
Kaori様より 会員No.23395 女性 |
I enjoyed the lesson today, too. You gave me a detailed explanation so that I could have a more natural conversation. It's a pleasure for me. See you next lesson! |
Ken様より 会員No.15322 男性 |
Thank you for the fun lesson. See you again. |
TETSU様より 会員No.20384 男性 |
Thank you for always having fun lesson. She teaches me a lot of very useful words and sentence. Her Japanese is very well. |
Kaori様より 会員No.23395 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson. I really enjoyed today's lesson. I'm glad you taught me the specific content for further my understanding. I'm looking forward to next lesson. |
Nobu様より 会員No.20347 男性 |
Today my son and I really enjoyed your lesson. Thanks again. See you the next time. |
Ryo様より 会員No.21256 男性 |
Odette-sensei has understood my English level, so the provided lesson contents is appropriate! Her explanation is always sufficient for me. Thank you. Odette先生のレッスンを受けているうちに、自分のレベルを理解してくださって、適切なコンテンツでレッスンを提供してくださいます。新しい言葉やフレーズの説明を丁寧にしてくださるので助かります。 |
Kaori様より 会員No.23395 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson.It was a fun lesson this time too. I was very happy that you taught me many expressions. |
Ryo様より 会員No.21256 男性 |
Odette-sensei, thank you for the very good lesson! I am looking forward to seeing you soon. |
Nobu様より 会員No.20347 男性 |
See you again. |
Aoi様より 会員No.23319 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson again and I am glad about your comment. Actually she is taking English lesson since she was 2 years old, but she doesn't tell me how much she is understanding and let me hear her English. But I believe she can understand almost what you're speaking. She just needs more reading skill. Thank you very much again and see you soon. From Aoi's mother |
Aoi様より 会員No.23319 女性 |
Hi, thank you very much for your lesson. She really enjoyed it. I asked her what she learned about, but she is properly understanding and she said she want to talk more with you. Sorry that she is a little shy and doesn't talk much though, she asked me to book you lesson again. Let's see you again soon. From Aoi's mother |
Kako様より 会員No.5447 女性 |
Thank you for hearing my talk. I just hope that this crisis will end as soon as posible. Stay safe Odette. See you next time! |
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