お気に入り登録数: 813
名前 | Mayumi T. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | 日本 |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | ネイティブ |
kazunori様より 会員No.7306 男性 |
Thank you so much make lesson for me. I understood your explanation well. Thank you so much remember my recently life experience. High pressure water washing machine is very useful. I'ii keep study English and please teach me patiently. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
匿名様より 会員No.19101 女性 |
日本語は全く使わなかったですが、わかりやすい発音で良かったです。 とても明るい先生で、内容は英検の練習ということで軽いものではありませんでしたが、レッスンが楽しく進みました。 |
mocha様より 会員No.25026 女性 |
Mayumi先生のレッスンは本当に楽しいです。たくさんの話題を投げかけて下さり会話ができるように導いて下さいます。 感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。また宜しくお願いします! |
kazunori様より 会員No.7306 男性 |
Thank you so much made lesson for me. I could understand a few sentence that I couldn't translate. I'll keep study English and I understand need to more experience that speaking English. I finished washing car just now. My car is very clear. I'm looking forward to your lesson soon. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
Brokenwave様より 会員No.25765 男性 |
I have a Pleasant talking time with Mayumi sensei. She has wide varieties in topics. This time, we talked about an exotic life she spent in middle east countries. She is a good teacher to provide me a relaxed atmosphere for talking English. |
kazunori様より 会員No.7306 男性 |
Thank you so much this lesson. I enjoyed very much. I kept study English and keep teach English to me patiently. I'll looking forward to next lesson. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
TM様より 会員No.23219 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! It was really fun time!! Actually, I was so nervous before the lesson because I’m beginner of IELTS. But you are so kind, so I could relax and speak! I will book your lesson soon! I can’t wait! |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
kazunori様より 会員No.7306 男性 |
Thank so much have a great lesson for me. I could understood your explanation well. Your grandmother's insurance was very unfortunately. But life insurance is very important for us. I'll try to take TOEIC next year. I'll ask you about TOIEC when next lesson doing. Best regards. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
masaharu様より 会員No.6853 男性 |
本日もありがとうございました。 今日はなるべく英語でやりとりしようという目標でレッスンを受けました。そうしたら、固まって言葉が出ないところもあったようですが、mayumi先生は、レビューで、ちゃんと評価していただき、よろこんでいます。 また、頑張って行きます。よろしくお願いします。 |
Bow様より 会員No.5067 女性 |
Hi Mayumi( ^ω^ )Thank you very much for lesson (^-^) I studied english news paper~Long trip with no Money.It was very kind story ^_^ Next lesson day, It will be fun (^_^) Good night for Mayumi (^O^)Se you next time )^o^( |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
kazunori様より 会員No.7306 男性 |
Thank you so much make lesson for me. your explanation is very well I understood well. I'll keep effort to study English. See you next lesson soon. The hot day continue and please be careful your condition. |
Taku様より 会員No.18681 男性 |
Always thank you for splendid classes. I would like the next class. |
Bow様より 会員No.5067 女性 |
Hi Mayumi( ^ω^ )Thank you for yesterday lesson ^_^It was fun (^ ^) I studied Grammar book. It was very understand (^.^) Than, I studied tales. The name is ‘’Before Dinner’’.It will be interesting (^O^) Thank you very much ^ ^See you again ^o^ |
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