お気に入り登録数: 813
名前 | Mayumi T. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | 日本 |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | ネイティブ |
Yui様より 会員No.38606 女性 |
It happened to take the lesson since my daughter was not able to attend. A lot of interesting topics for good practice. Hope there will be opportunities to talk more in the near future. |
匿名様より 会員No.28945 女性 |
楽しそうな声が聞こえていました。またよろしくお願いいたします(^^) |
Yui様より 会員No.38606 女性 |
Greatly appreciated your kind teaching. The new words are difficult to remember. But think will get to used to the new approach in Mayumi sensei's lesson. Thanks a lot! |
Yui様より 会員No.38606 女性 |
It is the greatest teacher I have evet met. Thank you, Mayumi sensei, for your passion. Expect to talk soon next time. |
Yui様より 会員No.38606 女性 |
It is always a lot of fun to talk with Mayumi-sensei. Thanks a millon! |
匿名様より 会員No.38606 女性 |
I love to take Mayumi-sensei's lesson. Thank you always for your kind teaching all the time. |
kazunori様より 会員No.7306 男性 |
It's a nice of you making lesson for me. I had good practice for speaking. I'll keep effort and enjoy to using English. See you soon. |
Yui様より 会員No.38606 女性 |
Greatly appreciated Mayumi sensei's kind sharing about how to improve English skill during daily exercises. It is really helpful advice to follow. Hope there will be more opportunity to talk further. |
Yui様より 会員No.38606 女性 |
It was lomg time since last talk with Mayumi sensei due to New Year's holiday and was a lot of fun during the lesson. Thank you always! |
Kyle様より 会員No.39369 女性 |
喋ることがこんなに楽しいんだと思わせてくれる先生です。 うまく話せなかったけれど25分じゃ物足りないと感じるぐらい充実した授業でした。 Thank you!! |
Yuki様より 会員No.29611 男性 |
Happy 2023, Mayumi-sensei. We discussed whether minority languages should be worth preserving. Since she has expertise in linguistics, I got to learn several interesting facts about languages. I was floored by the fact that there are so many endangered languages around the world! She told me her thoughts about disappearing languages and how she respects other cultures. Though my original conclusion had been opposed to hers, I was completely convinced by her opinion at the end of the lesson. Throughout the discussion, I was frustrated to realize that I still can't describe so many things in English. I will write them down for the next lesson. Thank you, Mayumi-sensei. It was a deep and meaningful discussion. Maybe we can talk about it later. |
匿名様より 会員No.28945 女性 |
お陰様で、小学校での外国語の成績が上がりました。本人も自信になっているようです。ありがとうございます。楽しく続けられているので良かったです(^^)/ |
匿名様より 会員No.32651 男性 |
いつもありがとうございます。次回もよろしくお願いします。 |
SORA様より 会員No.32651 男性 |
レッスンありがとうございました。次回もよろしくお願いします。良いお年を❗️ |
匿名様より 会員No.6853 男性 |
いつも色々とアドバイスしてくださってありがとうございます! 今後も目標を持って英語頑張って行くものと思います。(保護者より) |
匿名様より 会員No.38078 男性 |
レッスン中もレッスン後のコメントも学ぶ意欲を引き出してくれます。うまく表現できないんですけど、なんか若返ったような気にさせられるんです。ペラペラ目指して楽しくやります。来年もまたよろしくお願いします。 |
Yui様より 会員No.38606 女性 |
It was really fun to talk with Mayumi sensei after Christmas. Hope there will be a wonderful time for the coming New Year's Day! |
SORA様より 会員No.32651 男性 |
いつもありがとうございます。今日のエッセイも難しかったです。次回のエッセイも難しいと思いますが、がんばります。次回もよろしくお願いします。 |
Yuki様より 会員No.29611 男性 |
I was happy to see you again, Mayumi-sensei. It was an amazingly fun chat. We started the lesson with a small talk about a traditional style of comedy in Japanese culture called Manzai since the competition of Manzai has been sweeping around Japan since last week. We exchanged our thoughts on malicious jokes and shared the differences between the situations around jokes in Japan and the U.S. And then we moved into the main topic: the pros and cons of artificial intelligence. We covered plenty of the benefits that AI brings and concluded that they outweighed the downsides. At the last of the lesson, she told me about a great achievement that I had made unknowingly, which made me deliriously happy. I'm always grateful to you, Mayumi-sensei. Talk to you soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.28945 女性 |
「うまくできたよー」と嬉しそうでした。 レッスンを楽しんでいるのが分かります。ありがとうございました(^^)/ |
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