お気に入り登録数: 304
名前 | Vaish S. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | その他 |
現住国 | Japan |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 上級 |
miki様より 会員No.41722 女性 |
フリートークの時間にお休みの予定などを話しました。 以前よりボキャブラリーが増えていて、嬉しく思いました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a bitter cold afternoon, Vaish and I had another great lesson. Just think about backing to the grind makes me shudder and I am definitely not back in the swing yet. I think is due to the freezing cold that makes most people sluggish. Some people sound off about something without really deciding what they think about it. Live is short so let`s live it up. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else, you are the one who gets burned. The tiger was totally devoid of hair on his back due to the stress. Corporate earnings are on the upswing. Education should not be the prerogative of the rich. The girl has a latent talent for music. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a dreary winter afternoon Vaish and I had yet another great lesson. India is experiencing exponential economic growth. I hate tepid coffee. Tamper with other people`s belongings. She has run up debts. His sense of humor has rubbed off on his son. The job offer was too good to pass up. Employees must adhere to company policies. He plucked up the courage to ask her out. She whipped up lunch for me. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
miki様より 会員No.41722 女性 |
それぞれの似ている単語や単語の意味の違いを質問し、丁寧に教えていただきました。 確認して理解深められてよかったです。 |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
Regular exercise is conducive to good health. Everyone is averse to war. Her voice was devoid of emotion. He is engrossed in the book. She is oblivious to his presence. She lulled me into believing that everything would turn out all right. He prompts works to strike. The defendant was exonerated from the charge of theft. The boss harps on his mistakes. Thick clouds were blotting out the stars. The prime minister wriggled out of answering the questions. Vaish thank you very much for the questions. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
Violent and crime often stem from poverty. The buyer of our house backed out of the contract at the last minute. The company is trying to muscle in on the Chinese market. Don`t meddle in other people`s business. People tend to gloat over theirs rivals failure. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.41638 男性 |
Thank you for always your lesson. You always talk to me in a way that is easy for me to understand, and I enjoy talking with you. I would like to improve my vocabulary. I look forward to talking with you again. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
Some people sound off about something without really deciding what they think about it. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
He absconded with the investors` money. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In an overcast evening, Vaish and I had yet another great lesson. We only live once, so let`s live it up while we can. Life is often likened to a voyage. You learn nothing from life if you think you are right all the time. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In the glow of sunset Vaish and I had another great lesson. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can be achieve. I try to defuse the tension before the lesson so that turns the lesson more agreeable. Don`t pick sides until know the full side of the story. Some people are really skilled at making others look bad. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In the shimmer of afternoon sun Vaish and I had yet another great lesson. We shouldn`t pry into other people`s affair. Unwind and enjoy the good things in life. Sometimes it`s your friends that keep your enemies updated. There are some people are endowed with an undeniable talent. I wish I could be one of them. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In the glow of sunset Vaish and I had yet another great lesson. I was lounging around all day instead of knuckling down and focus on my studies. Regular stretching can keep your body flexible. Snitches get stiches. We shouldn`t pry into other people`s affairs. No matter how badly someone treats you, never stoop down to their level. Remain calm, stay strong, and walk away. Stay busy, so you don`t have time to be sad. Vaish, thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a dreary afternoon Vaish and I had another great lesson. There are some people are endowed with an undeniable talent. I wish I could be one of them. Vaish`s witty answers always knock my socks off. I try to defuse the tension before the lesson so that turns the lesson more agreeable. Vaish and I were just shooting the breeze and having fun as always. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
Today I was lounging around the house all day. We shouldn`t pry into other people`s affairs. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a breezy afternoon, Vaish and I had yet another great lesson. I try to defuse the tension so that turns the lesson more agreeable. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
Hiroshi様より 会員No.15957 男性 |
He is a great teacher for me. He gave me lessons using the Breaking news. He mostly teaches in English and sometimes teaches me in Japanese. Thank you always. He is a recommended teacher. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a dreary afternoon, Vaish and I had yet another great lesson. Our relationship has been a bit dull lately, so we decided to go to sport gym and workout to spice things up. Any investment is fraught with risks. Money disappears as if it sprouted wings and flew away. Vaish thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In an overcast day, Vanish and I had yet another great lesson. Life is like, pass a barrier, just to find another. Don`t worry about the people who aren`t happy for you. They probably aren`t happy for themselves either. Vanish thank you very much for the lesson. |
Tomomi様より 会員No.43463 女性 |
生徒にとって必要な情報を惜しげもなく与えてくれ、勉強へのモチベーションを高めてくれる素晴らしい先生です。 |
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