講師詳細Teacher's Details

Cecilia G. (セシリア G.先生)




  1. レッスン提供数: 678回
  2. 講師のキャンセル率: 3%
  3. すっぽかし率: 0%

お気に入り登録数: 32

名前 Cecilia G.
性別 女性
国籍 フィリピン
現住国 Philippines
日本語 なし
Eigox登録日 2017年10月31日 (登録期間 : 6年8ヶ月)
講師経験年数 3年以上
ニックネーム Cecille (セシル)

Hello, my name is Teacher Cecilia!


I took up Accountancy when I was in University. I have been in the Business Processing Outsource Industry for the past 12 years, my last job was as a Human Resources Supervisor. I was handling the Accounting, Audit & Compliance, Documents Management, and Payroll Support Department. I usually speak to customers from the United States, Canada, UK, Mexico, India, Philippines and a lot of other places in Asia and North America. I also worked for 2 years in a Law Firm which was quite challenging but I still learned a lot from that experience. Right now, I am working from home as one of the managers who handle sales and back end support for a US-based company. 

In my spare time, I enjoy watching movies and television shows that have some mystery or need some investigative or problem-solving in it. I dream of having a really nice home so I love watching TV shows that show how to flip flop houses. I love cooking and baking so I really like watching Master Chef, too. And of course, I spend time with my family to visit places within the Philippines and travel, experience new adventures and just relax and of course, eat.


I am also a collector of books since I was 10 years old. I lost count already but I think I have about 12,000 in my collection. I would love to have my own library and share my books with others. I love reading them whenever I have extra time off from work. Reading at an early age exposed me to learning very good grammar and sentence construction. This hobby helped me with my current work as well as encouraged me to teach children and help them with their homework.


I am very excited to work with you, get to know you, share each other's cultures and experiences and I look forward to helping you study the English language in the near future.


I'll talk to you soon!



趣味 その他(Cooking, Baking, Travelling, Reading Books, Watching TV)
キッズ 日常英会話(入門) 日常英会話(初級) 日常英会話(中級) 日常英会話(上級) ビジネス英語(入門)
ビジネス英語(初級) ビジネス英語(中級) ビジネス英語(上級) 旅行英語 ドラマ・映画英語 時事英語
文法 発音 ボキャブラリー 英検 TOEIC TOEIC SW
TOEFL IELTS 学習方法カウンセリング
  • 100 Power Topics (初級)
  • デスパレートな妻たち
  • 100 Power Topics (初中級)
  • Side by Side 1 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • 100 Power Topics (中級)
  • Side by Side 2 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (初級)
  • Side by Side 3 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (初中級)
  • Side by Side 4 (3rd Edition / Extra Edition)
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (中級)


セシリア先生は大学で会計学を卒業し、その後、法律事務所で働かれていました。法律事務所を退職されたあと、フィリピン国内最大手のコールセンターで12年働いており、今はコールセンター会社の人事部で働いています。 ビジネス経験が豊富なのでビジネス英語はもちろんのこと、 穏やかな口調でレッスンをしてくれるのでキッズの生徒様にも おすすめします。 それでは、セシリア先生をよろしくお願いします! (2017.10.31記載)