お気に入り登録数: 218
名前 | Deborah A. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Maki様より 会員No.3968 女性 |
このクラスでは昭和の時代の特徴を取り上げました。 戦後の急激な社会の変革と産業などについてお話ししました。 |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my website, mainly discussed about California is doing to reduce amount of carbon dioxide. All the cars sold in California will be electric by 2035. There will be subsidies of up to $7500. California is ahead of other states and is taking an initiative to reduce amount of pollutants. There are three disadvantages of using electric cars. First, there are not many stations to charge electric cars. Second, the distance electic cars can run when they are fully charged is the half as much as the one of gasoline cars. At last, it is very costly to change lithium batteries. |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double Lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my websites. We talked about Unification Church members protest in Korea. They think they are discriminated by media reporters, but that's not true. Media reporters just told the truth and what they are doing is wrong. Media reporters are not talking about their believes. We have to think about how to disseminate information correctly. We talked about reclues. In Japan, reclues are considered to be embarrassing and noone wants to be known to the public. Parents of recluses feel that's their fault. We conducted a survey and 1 in recluses don't want government help and want government to leave them alone. Also we talked about tha fact one of Tokyo Olympic Executives received $51 million from Aoki as a reward of giving a favor to it. |
Maki様より 会員No.3968 女性 |
満州国建設に伴い,満州事変,引き揚げ者たちの苦悩についてお話ししました。蘇州夜曲の映画を初めてYouTubeで見ました。 李香蘭の相手は長谷川一夫だったのですね。歴史を学ぶことの大切さを痛感しています。 |
Maki様より 会員No.3968 女性 |
日本の歴史を英語で勉強しています。今回は満州国建設についてお話ししました。 |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my website. We mainly talked about the issue of church ties with politicians. A survey was conducted and 85% of respondesnts said politicians should cut ties with the church. Also we talked that FBI raided Trump's home to collect highly classified documents. |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double Lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Mainly talked about my visit to the hotel I had a wedding fifteen years ago. All the stores I used for my wedding were still there. There was a wedding fair and I could see chapel and rooms I used for my wedding. All the memories came to my mind. We also talked about annual health checkup. In the United States, not a lot of people have an annual checkup since they don't have a health insurance. Having it is costly in the United States. In Japan, most people have it since health insurance covers it. I had it at the beginning of this month, had its result, found high LDH. I had better have more detailed exmination later. |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Doubl lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my website. We mainly talked about Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, discussed how China is going to react to the visit. In the article, China is going to either send war planes to the zone the United States established and conduct missile tests to show its anger. China needs to take a careful balance and proper response, but it cannot afford to take international pushbacks for economical duress. |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my website. We talked about new measure about the seventh wave of the corona virus. There were more than 40000cases in Tokyo. Japanese government doesn't declare the state of emergency. What it does inse thead is increasing number of hospital beds and is expanding the scope for those eligible for their fourth shot. One of the reasons of having the seventh wave is that a lot of youngs do not get the third shot. I think they should take a responsibilityto prevent the wave of corona virus. |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
We went over my website. We continuously talked about Former President Abe's assassination. Why Yamagami assassinated him. His mother got a cancer when he was six and involved in Unification Church. She donated huge amount of money including her husband's insurance money to the church and bankrupted. Both his father and his brother committed suicide. He had grudge against Unification Church. Since Former President Abe had a relationship with the church. We talked about people who tend to commit suicide. People who have a mental ill have a tendency to commit suicide. Some countries do not condone suicide. |
Maki様より 会員No.3968 女性 |
引き続き、大正デモクラシーについてお話ししました。普通選挙法の制定と治安維持法が同時に行われたということで大正デモクラシーに対する認識が変わりました。高校生向きの歴史講座と英語のYouTubeを同時に見て予習してからクラスにのぞんでいます。勉強になります。 |
Maki様より 会員No.3968 女性 |
このクラスでは大正時代の歴史的背景についてお話しました。 |
Ronko様より 会員No.11516 女性 |
Double lesson |
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