お気に入り登録数: 243
名前 | Parsa H. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | その他 |
現住国 | Iran |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 中級 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
Parsa 先生は、既知に富んだトークをしてくれます。鬼滅の刃の登場人物を説明し、聞いてもらっていますが、こんな風に表現すると尚わかりやすいよといつも丁寧に添削してくださいます。今日は、擬声語と擬態語について興味があるとおっしゃったので、雨の表現について擬態語をお送りしたら「wooow it's very cool and interesting. めちゃ 面白い じゃん」とreplyが。I can’t stop laughing 😂. 次回も楽しみです。 |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
He is so kind and comfortable talking I like his lesson Thanks Parsa see you next time💗 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
Today Parsa-sensei checked my pronunciations including letter “R and L ”. It’s really difficult for me. I’d like to pronounce correct pronunciations. I have to practice them more and more. He also taught me how to use past tense or present tense. I sometimes confuse them. His explanations are very easy to understand. |
匿名様より 会員No.36541 男性 |
ゆっくりと丁寧に教えてくれます。 ソフトな雰囲気でとても話しやすいです。 レッスンの雰囲気もとても和やかで、話しやすく、 とても良いと思います。 良い先生だと思います。 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
Today I talked to Parsa-sensei about the personalities of “竈門炭治郎”.I asked him if he had similar personality with Tanjiro or not. He answered he was a kind / honest / serious / innocent and optimist person. I got it. |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I asked him when he started to study English. “Around 6 or 7 years old”,Parsa-sensei said. After that he has kept learning English all day. He always checks his own pronunciations as many as possible finding the English dictionary. I got his beautiful model pronunciation reading. I’d like to review it. We talked about “鬼滅の刃” together. It’s really interesting. |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
I enjoyed talking with him. Today's topic was Chocolate He is so confortable and gentle See you next time💗 |
Ohana様より 会員No.34635 女性 |
I tried to describe about the members in a story “鬼滅の刃”.Parsa-sensei knows a lot about Japanese anime. He rewrote my script immediately. I learned how to write the sentences more easily. I’d like to talk to others more simple expressions in English. パルサ先生との初めてのレッスンでした。とても熱心で、どんな言い方が伝わりやすいかすぐに具体的に教えてくださるのでとても興味深かったです。 |
hagi様より 会員No.35539 女性 |
He is so comfortable teacher He likes Japanese I want to exchange talking caluture and words Thanks Parsa see you next time💗 |
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