講師詳細Teacher's Details

Ediliana E. (エディリアナ E.先生)




  1. レッスン提供数: 591回
  2. 講師のキャンセル率: 17%
  3. すっぽかし率: 0%

お気に入り登録数: 91

名前 Ediliana E.
性別 女性
国籍 アメリカ
現住国 Japan
日本語 中級
Eigox登録日 2022年02月17日 (登録期間 : 2年4ヶ月)
講師経験年数 3年以上
ニックネーム Edi (エディ)

Hello! My name is Ediliana but you can call me Edi! I was born in the Dominican Republic but raised in New York City. During university, I studied Asian studies and international relations and mainly focused on studying Japanese and Japanese culture. I had the opportunity to study in Nagasaki as an exchange student for a year! It was such a great experience and I knew I wanted to return to Japan to stay longer. In 2018, I returned to Japan and started teaching English at an Eikaiwa where I taught children and adults. Currently , I am teaching English at a nursery school. I can speak both Spanish and English.

My lesson style:  I am very relax and flexible. I am very patient and will calmly follow your pase. I will match  how I teach depending on your preference and the pase you would like me to go at! My strength include correcting pronunciation, improving punctuation, increasing vocabulary , and discussion on all types of topics. I love discussing about news, history, and politics, so if you are interested in improving your discussion or debating skills, I am here to help you ! If you just want to improve your overall daily conversation , I can support you with that as well. 

I am very excited to share my culture and knowledge. I Look foward to talking with you! 

Hobbies : I love food !  I often visit coffee shops and enjoy trying new types of coffee and sweets. I often visit a coffee shop near my home. This cafe is right next to the ocean , so you can see a beautiful view. My favorite meal is their Vietnamese sandwiches . They are so delicious. 
I also love trying new foods from around the world. I especially love spicy food ! These days I often eat korean and thai food.

Interest: I really like music and often listen to it everyday. These days I listen to disco and soul music. My favorite artist these days is Donna Summer. Her voice is amazing (:
(My favorite Japanese artist these days is Yamashita Tatsuro! )
I also really enjoy traveling to the country side in Japan. My favorite place in Tohoku is Tsuruoka City in Yamagata. The ocean sunset is so beautiful and there are a lot of beautiful mountains as well. I recommend trying the seafood ! 

******* If you would like to take a lesson outside of my time slots, please let me know! I can match your schedule and open up a slot time for you to take my lesson!******

趣味 映画・ドラマ, お笑い・コメディー, ニュース・ドキュメント, 楽器, 音楽, カラオケ, 読書, ゲーム, パソコン・インターネット, マンガ・アニメ, スポーツ・エクササイズ, お酒, 料理, ショッピング, 美容・ファッション, アート, ボランティア活動, 健康・ダイエット, 恋愛・結婚, 外国語, 政治・経済, 歴史
キッズ 日常英会話(入門) 日常英会話(初級) 日常英会話(中級) 日常英会話(上級) ビジネス英語(入門)
ビジネス英語(初級) ビジネス英語(中級) ビジネス英語(上級) 旅行英語 ドラマ・映画英語 時事英語
文法 発音 ボキャブラリー 英検 TOEIC TOEIC SW
TOEFL IELTS 学習方法カウンセリング
  • 100 Power Topics (初級)
  • Smart English (Starter)
  • 100 Power Topics (初中級)
  • Smart English 1
  • 100 Power Topics (中級)
  • Smart English 2
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (初級)
  • Smart English 3
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (初中級)
  • Smart English 4
  • 100 Power Topics for Business (中級)
  • Smart English 5
  • デスパレートな妻たち
  • Smart English 6


アメリカ・ニューヨーク出身のエディリアナ先生は国際関係学で学位を持つ、気さくで穏やかな性格の先生です。先生は日本に住んで4年になり、現在は宮城県で幼稚園の先生をしています。学童保育も行っているため、小学生への英語指導も行っています。以前は英会話教室で講師をしていたそうで、そちらでは幅広い年齢の生徒さんにレッスンを提供していました☆また、日本語を勉強中で日常会話レベルは問題なく話すことができます。レッスン中に困ったことがあっても日本語で聞けるので安心ですね◎お子様から大人の方まで、どなたにでもおススメしたい先生です☆彡 それでは、エディリアナ先生を宜しくお願いします♪ (2022/2/17 記載)