お気に入り登録数: 170
名前 | Andrew S. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | 南アフリカ |
現住国 | South Africa |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.20227 女性 |
サービス精神旺盛で、優しい先生です。 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the great lesson. We talked about our father to each other. It's hard to lose an irreplaceable person for us. And then you taught me how to get better tennis, and you did it online. It's so amazing. Your lessons are always polite and easy to understand. I really appreciate it. I look forward to talking with you. |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the amazing lesson. We talked about a lot of things. You taught me a very important thing "balance". Balance is important in everything we do and really deep. You made me realize that. Your lessons broaden my knowledge. I appreciate it. I look forward to talking with you again. |
匿名様より 会員No.9417 男性 |
とても熱心な先生です。毎回記事を使って授業を進めますが、文法だけでなく、その記事に対しての詳細も説明してくれて、とても楽しませてもらっています。南アフリカの文化、現在の状況も面白おかしく丁寧に説明してくれます。そして、いつも笑顔を絶やさない人で、仕事の後でもリラックスして授業が受けられ助かっています。いつもありがとうございます。お勧めの先生です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.32027 男性 |
We played a game called word chain for the last few minutes. Also he taught me a lesson about music. It was very fun. |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the great lesson. I told you what I did today. From that story, it spread in all directions. And we talked about the strengths and weaknesses of each person. It was deep and really fun. I look forward to talking with you. |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the amazing lesson. I talked you about my worries today. You gave me some advice from a psychological point of view. It was really helpful for me. Because I was able to learn English and Psychology at the same time. It's called coaching in Japan though. For sure I know it's difficult to learn psychology in English. But I'd like you to teach it from various angles. Thanks for always explaining clearly and politely. I look forward to talking with you. |
Mayumi様より 会員No.11607 女性 |
今日はBreaking News Englishよりウクライナ難民受け入れについてのarticleを勉強しました。私にはちょっと難しい題材かと危惧していましたが、Andrew先生が難しい箇所を嚙み砕いて教えて下さいました。分からなかった部分、誤解していた部分も解決して頂き充実したレッスンでした。色々と話す機会もくださったので満足です。 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the fruitful lesson. Today, you taught me not only English but also tennis. That was a very beneficial time. You drew some pictures for explaining tennis and gave me a few tips. If anyone is interested in tennis, I really recommend taking your lesson. I promise. I look forward to talking with you. |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the awesome lesson. I was very satisfied. We talked about psychology again. I'm really interested in it. You explained it with a lot of good examples and everything I don't understand. So it was easy to understand. I appreciate it. Please tell me about the various things again. |
匿名様より 会員No.32027 男性 |
We played a game about the World Cup, which I am interested in. It is always fun talking with Mr Andrew. |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the amazing lesson. I tried to discuss with you about psychology today. It was challenge for me. Because it was a deep and difficult topic. But you gave some examples and explained very politely. So it was fun and easy to understand. Please tell me about new and interesting things again. I look forward to our lesson. |
Mayumi様より 会員No.11607 女性 |
今日初めてAndrew先生のレッスンを受けました。とても丁寧に分かり易く説明して下さり、chat boxにも沢山書き込みをして下さいました。教え方、教えることへの姿勢がとてもprofessionalな先生だと思いました。又お願いしたいと思います。 |
匿名様より 会員No.20227 女性 |
とても素敵な先生でした。 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the amazing lesson. I really enjoyed it. As always though. Your stories broaden my perspectives every time. And they are so interesting and inspire me. And you wrote the words down. It's easy for me to understand. Much appreciated. I look forward to our lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.36236 女性 |
His lesson was just amazing!!! |
Akiko様より 会員No.28983 女性 |
彼は、とても丁寧で優しい先生です。あらゆるジャンルの話題をお持ちなので、授業がとても楽しいし解説も丁寧です。 ぜひアンドリュー先生の授業を受けてみてください。きっと次も受けたくなるはずです。 |
匿名様より 会員No.32027 男性 |
We talked about our hobbies, and shared about the things we like in common. It was very interesting. |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thank you for the amazing lesson. I enjoyed it. Your lesson always gives me motivation. And your review inspires me more than you think. Moreover when I review the lesson, it's easy to understand. I look forward to our lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.32027 男性 |
he helped me on the trouble I had at school. Also he let me talk a lot about my hobbies. |
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