お気に入り登録数: 694
名前 | Ashley W. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 初級 |
Katsu様より 会員No.23945 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. We talked about the current cold winter, Christmas and public transportation. It’s getting cold, especially in the morning. We tend to hesitate about going outside on such a day. We have to go through it. See you next time. |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! It was a so fun conversation with you! I’ll keep practicing American pronunciation and American spoken English with you and we’ll see you next time soon^^ |
Tomas様より 会員No.16993 男性 |
個人的に学んでる単語やフレーズなども話題内で使えてますし いろいろな話題も振ってくださるので楽しくレッスンができています。 |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! It was a so fun chatting with you! Take care for your body and we’ll see you next time soon^^ |
Connie様より 会員No.25903 女性 |
今日もとても楽しいレッスンでした。 先生は大変エネルギッシュで明るく、いつも元気をもらっています。 次回も楽しみにしています。 |
匿名様より 会員No.15039 女性 |
She is very cheerful woman!! I enjoyed her talking. |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! It was a so fun chatting with you! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and we’ll see you next time soon! |
Katsu様より 会員No.23945 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. We talked about the topic related to the current weather and Christmas. Snow is not only the pleasure but also hardship for the inhabitants. Even though Christmas gift is delight for kids, it causes some troubles for adults. See you next time. |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! I really enjoyed chatting with you! I’ll keep practicing American pronunciation and American English with you and we’ll see you next time soon^^ |
yoshi様より 会員No.24395 男性 |
Tutor Ashley W. Thank you for your good lesson today. I think I have to improve my conversation skills. YOSHI |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! It was so fun and I really enjoyed chatting with you! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and we’ll see you next time soon^^ |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today! It was so fun! Please take care of your cold and we’ll see you next time soon^^ |
匿名様より 会員No.31342 女性 |
話題が豊富で楽しいです。こちらの言うこともよく聞いてくださるので、リスニングとスピーキングの良い練習になります。 |
yoshi様より 会員No.24395 男性 |
Tutor Ashley W. Thank you for the lesson. Today is the first time I use my cell-phone, so I can't see the chat. I well practice more my cell-phone. YOSHI |
Tomoyuki様より 会員No.7317 男性 |
Thanks for your lesson today and nice chatting with you! I’ll keep practicing American pronunciation and American English with you and we’ll see you next time soon^^ |
Mayu様より 会員No.18293 女性 |
Thank you for the nice lesson! Today I learned "discouraged." Have a good day! :) |
Tomas様より 会員No.16993 男性 |
親切な先生でいつも話題を引き出してくれます いつもありがとうございます。 |
yoshi様より 会員No.24395 男性 |
Tutor Ashley W. Thank you very much. It's important for me to be able to do 3.Your Task. YOSHI |
Katsu様より 会員No.23945 男性 |
Thank you for your lesson. We talked about the dental treatment. It is very important for our health. See you next time. |
匿名様より 会員No.28079 女性 |
発音が分かりやすくて,わからないこともちゃんと教えてくれてるので、とてもいいと思います。 |
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