お気に入り登録数: 377
名前 | Jim M. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | Japan |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 上級 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the amazing lesson. It's been a long time. You told me about an air fryer. Actually I've been thinking about it for a while. You explained it to me easy to understand. So I've decided to buy it. Time flies when you're having fun. Take care and have a good holiday! |
riko様より 会員No.30712 女性 |
楽しい先生で子供達ほ大好きです。 夜しか時間がないのが残念です。 また早い時間に受けたいです。 |
Mari様より 会員No.18064 女性 |
今日も楽しいレッスンでした。日本在住なので、話題にことかきません。とても話やすい先生です。 |
riko様より 会員No.30712 女性 |
想像どおり楽しく、子供をその気にさせるのも、授業のすすめ方も大変上手でした。 きちんと新しい事も覚えれるよう進めてくれるし、さすが現役教師です。 何より、子供は楽しい事はいっぱつで覚えるので、いいと思います。 |
Mari様より 会員No.18064 女性 |
ジム先生は、いつも楽しい話題で盛り上げてくれます。エンターテインメントたっぷりのレッスンは、あっと言う間に時間が過ぎます。 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the great lesson. Time flies when you're having fun. We talked about various things. Especially your coffee cup collection story was so amazing. I learned a lot of things through our lesson every time. I appreciate it. I'm looking forward to talking with you in summer. |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the great lesson. We talked about God of music and guitarist. You explained me how to play the guitar and technique. It was really fun. I look forward to talking with you. Take care of yourself and good luck! |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the great lesson. Today I was surprised to hear that your body was in trouble. But your explanation was so clear that I could understand about it perfectly. You always not only talk to me but also teach me English and various things in the story. So your lesson is always fun. I look forward to our next lesson. Take good care of yourself! |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the amazing lesson. We talked about various things. In the story, there were some words that I didn't know and you explained them with example. So I could understand perfectly. And then you told me about "Funko Pop" It's interesting and so cute! I look forward to talking with you. Have a nice week! |
匿名様より 会員No.29788 男性 |
今回のレッスンも楽しかったようです。 今後もよろしくお願いします。 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for having our lesson, even though you are sick. I appreciate it. It's been a long time, so I was happy to talk with you. We talked about the various things. Especially your dog story was so interesting. I look forward to talking with you. Take good care of yourself. |
匿名様より 会員No.29788 男性 |
こどものお気に入りの先生です。 とても楽しいようで、 いつも次のレッスンを心待ちにしています。 今後も定期的にレッスンを受けるつもりです。 |
Mari様より 会員No.18064 女性 |
I got a nice advice tonight. Thank you so much. |
匿名様より 会員No.29788 男性 |
初めてレッスンを受けました。 手品をしてくれたり、とってもかわいい犬を見せてもらえたりして、 楽しかったようです。 またレッスン受けたい!!と言っているので お願いしようと思います。 |
Mari様より 会員No.18064 女性 |
楽しい先生です。いろいろな話題を提供してくれるので、レッスンも飽きません。日本人英語の苦手な部分も、よくご存じで、すぐにフォローしてくれるので勉強になります。 |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the great lesson. We talked about your cute dog. You always speak easy English in a way that is easy to understand for me. I appreciate it. I look forward to seeing you in March. |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the great lesson. Time flies when you're having fun. We talked about Kentucky Colonel what you got. It was so interesting. And then we had a lively conversation. You always show me the joy of speaking English. See you next year and Take good care of yourself! |
Meg様より 会員No.10392 女性 |
Thanks for the great lesson. It's been a while. So we talked about various things. Above all what impressed me most about the story was Eddie Van Halen. You told me about him. I felt his greatness once again. I thought that music made us happy and better. I look forward to talking with you. |
Hana様より 会員No.16029 女性 |
We talked about Eddie Van Halen. I am glad to share his memory with you. |
Mari様より 会員No.18064 女性 |
いつも会話をリードしてくれるので、とても楽しいレッスンになります。 |
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