お気に入り登録数: 709
名前 | Sarah Y. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | アメリカ |
現住国 | U.S.A. |
キッズ | |
日本語 | 上級 |
Yuki様より 会員No.29611 男性 |
Today, I had my journal entry checked by Sarah. We looked over it together, and she corrected some mistakes. I asked some questions regarding my journal, and she gave me crystal-clear answers. We talked about what people think of someone who uses a lot of idioms and old sayings, and I think that was the highlight of the lesson today. Thank you for another great lesson, Sarah. Hope to see you soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.31162 女性 |
日本語がとてもお上手な先生です。 こちらが言いたい事をニュアンスで汲んでくれ、英訳してくれます。こまかなニュアンスも分かってくれるので、英語ではそう言うんだ〜と毎回感動します。 ここまで巧みに日本語ができるネイティブの先生って、なかなかいないのではないかなと思います。いつも充実したレッスンを提供して下さり、大好きな先生です。これからもお世話になりたいと思います。 |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Thank you for the nice lesson! Today I learned "Touchy subjects." Have a good day! :) |
Yuki様より 会員No.29611 男性 |
It was nice seeing you, Sarah. First, We had a small talk about Christmas and her mother's birthday, which was on the 25th, making her family's Christmas slightly different. And then, I had Sarah proofread my journal entry. She corrected some of my mistakes and gave me excellent alternative expressions. I'm always happy with her suggestions, and that's why she is my go-to teacher when I try to improve my writings. Thank you for another great lesson, Sarah. I think this is gonna be the last class with you in 2021. Have a happy new year! |
Shun様より 会員No.34267 男性 |
分からないことがあっても何回でも説明してもらえます。 いい先生です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.33785 女性 |
とても楽しくわかりやすいレッスンでした。日本語がとても上手な先生で安心して受けられました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.22603 男性 |
Thank you very much for your lesson. I have read some material on management. |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Thank you for the nice lesson! Today I learned "laid off." Have a good day! :) |
Shun様より 会員No.34267 男性 |
I'm a teacher to study |
Yuki様より 会員No.29611 男性 |
It was nice seeing you again, Sarah. Since I didn't remember your location, I was relieved to hear that you are doing well and being safe from the tornados. I was though guessing you were safe because if those tornados had hit your area, you would be far from teaching English here. As usual, I had lots of valuable words and phrases from the lesson, and I think some of them will become my "pet phrases". Speak soon! |
匿名様より 会員No.8903 男性 |
Great talking with you. Today you taught me how to use the word "changing course" including the same usage, changing path, changing direction. Showing me the several examples at one setting could help my understanding. Thank you so much as always. See you next week!! |
Naomi様より 会員No.5728 女性 |
Thank you for the nice lesson! Today I learned "Made for each other." Have a good day! :) |
Shun様より 会員No.34267 男性 |
時間をきっちりとっていただき、考えることができます。 |
匿名様より 会員No.8903 男性 |
It was great talking with you. Today you pointed out my wrong usage of escaping from. Like always you corrected it to the right and nice expressions. I appreciated it so much. I can't stop myself from taking your lesson. See you next week. |
Shun様より 会員No.34267 男性 |
いい先生です。 勉強になります。 |
Shun様より 会員No.34267 男性 |
レッスンがおもしろいです。 |
Shun様より 会員No.34267 男性 |
いい先生です。 時間もしっかり守っていただけます。 |
匿名様より 会員No.22603 男性 |
Thank you very much for your lesson. I have read a book on public governance. |
匿名様より 会員No.22603 男性 |
Thank you very much for your lesson. I have read two articles from the today's newspaper. |
匿名様より 会員No.34573 女性 |
サラ先生は日本語がとても上手でわからなかったり詰まる時があっても日本語でフォローしてくれます!初めてのセッションでも安心して話すことができました。優しい雰囲気で話しやすくまたレッスンを受けたいです! |
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