お気に入り登録数: 770
名前 | Rubeimin L. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Akimi様より 会員No.31664 女性 |
Thank you so much for correcting my composition, and sharing about lovable animals in both Philippines and Japan . The Nature in your country is so fascinating! Thanks & See you(^^) |
匿名様より 会員No.2421 女性 |
とてもフレンドリーで話を上手にリードして下さる先生だったので、リラックスして会話することが出来ました。またルビミン先生のレッスンを受けたいです。 |
Yuki様より 会員No.17538 女性 |
Teacher Rubeimin taught kindly. I learned how to use "mal-". She gave me various advices. |
Archie様より 会員No.31914 男性 |
Thank you so much(^^) My son is getting use to taking lessons, and he says he wants to try to read books more! |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
Today, I studied based on the esoteric sentence. When I read it, if I could convey the meaning, I can judge my reading as OK. There are many economic terminology, and the content is something what happened 50 years ago. This is a textbook that has something to do with frustrating my study of English. The teacher gave me OK, so I'm relieved for the time being. |
Kinya様より 会員No.10693 男性 |
Today’s lesson topics are about coronavirus vaccines and how is situation going on Japan and Philippines.It is so excited and interested. You are so kindly and give a good question to me.that’s nice! Looking forward to seeing you again. |
Yumi様より 会員No.28135 女性 |
Thank you so much Ruby! I really enjoyed talking English. It has a lot of topics and you helped me expand with exciting. I'm grateful that how knowledgeable that is:) Thank you for your kindness. I hope the next will be soon! |
keiko様より 会員No.15072 女性 |
常に私に必要な学習方法をアドバイスしてもらえ、また褒め上手なのでモチベーションが上がります。 授業の最初の挨拶の瞬間からとても元気で明るい先生なので、こちらもテンションが高くなり、毎回楽しいレッスンになっています。 |
Akimi様より 会員No.31664 女性 |
Thank you so much for another productive lesson(^^) Thanks to your lecture, I have found writing essays interesting recently. Actually, I could not come up with what to write until recently. Now, I enjoy to write about even some wired topics like today's(^^) Thanks for helping me out. |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
Thank you so much(^^) My son enjoyed talking about "Number blocks 39". He seems good at math, he always looks happy to discuss numbers in your class. Thank you for listening him! |
匿名様より 会員No.32225 女性 |
Thank you for your lesson! I enjoyed talking with you very much. And I was impressed with your detailed comment for me after the lesson. I'd like to see you again soon! |
keiko様より 会員No.15072 女性 |
フレンドリーで明るくてとても優しい先生です。まちがっているところは都度修正してもらえます。 自信がない文法や単語もどんどん話して、適切な言い方に修正してもらっています。 何度も受講しています。 |
Akimi様より 会員No.31664 女性 |
Thanks to your knowledge of many different fields, our conversation always gets deepened and expanded(^^) I enjoyed the lesson as usual, thank you so much, Ruby(^^*) See you! |
匿名様より 会員No.16215 女性 |
thank you for your lesson always. Today, we talked about improvement of English. She gave me a plenty of tips and advices with understanding me well. Thanks a lot! see you soon again^^ |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
Thank you, Ruby(^^) My son was so excited in the class(^^) He had a lot of fun to talk with you, watching "Number blocks". Thanks! |
Akimi様より 会員No.31664 女性 |
Thank you for checking my essay(^^) Thanks to you, I am getting used to writing. Then, I have realized that having discussion with you also helps me think and express my opinion logically, and it is so helpful for writing essay. Thanks! |
Takao様より 会員No.18904 男性 |
今日初めてお会いしました。 いきなりベテランのレッスン回数でエイゴックスに表れてきた先生です。 しばらくのブレイクがあったそうです。予想通りの良い先生でした。うまく会話をリードしてくれます。 まだまだ未熟な私ですがよろしくお願いします。 |
Akimi様より 会員No.31664 女性 |
Thank you so much for telling me about people's smoking habit in your country(^^) I sometimes ask you about your country out of curiosity, you always explain me so clearly. I want to thank you for being my perfect teacher! And then, I am sorry about my son...(^^;) |
keiko様より 会員No.15072 女性 |
明るくて優しい先生です。単語が出て来なくてずっと止まっていても、優しく見守ってもらえます。間違っているところはきちんと指摘し、チャットでも送ってもらえます。発音もきれいで聞き取りやすいです。 |
Akimi様より 会員No.31664 女性 |
Thank you so much for another engaging class(^^) I always learn not only English, but also cultures of other countries from your lessons. So profound....(^^) Thanks & See you |
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