お気に入り登録数: 769
名前 | Rubeimin L. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Archie様より 会員No.31914 男性 |
Thank you for your kind words on my son's cat robot(^^) It sometimes purrs in his bed, so scary.......(^^;) |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
Thank you so much(^^) My son looked happy to talk in English about working vehicles he likes! Thanks(^^) |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
Thank you for your birthday message for him. I have just ordered the cat robot on line which he wants. I do not know why he likes it, because it looks so weird for me... Anyway, he will show you the robot next time(^^;) |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
Our topic was a writer. I remember a novelist, whose footsteps I followed. Then we discussed speed reading in English, which is still tricky for me. I'm such an eager beaver that I always work hard day and night reading and writing papers - I misunderstood consumerism for commercialism. I appreciate your tips! |
匿名様より 会員No.21802 男性 |
We talked about places and tourism. I was bowled over by the palace when I visited there; the beauty blew me away. Then we spoke of our best friend - I can meet the friend once in a blue moon. When I meet him, I'm on cloud nine! |
匿名様より 会員No.30840 男性 |
The teacher is very kind. I want to teach again. ありがとうございました。 |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
小学三年生の息子が英検三級に合格することができました。普段から家庭で英語に触れる努力をしていますが、Ruby先生のレッスン以外英語を習ったことはないので、本当に有り難く、頼りになる先生です。私も英検準一級の受験の際にエッセイの添削とスピーキングの練習でお世話になり、おかげで合格できました。特に書くことが得意な先生なので、文法やパラフレーズがしっかり学べます。とてもプロ意識の高い先生で、資格対策を考えている方には特におすすめします。 Thank you so much(^^) We are so sure your effective lecture and practice lead my son towards success! Thanks(^^) |
Archie様より 会員No.31914 男性 |
Thank you so much(^^) My son especially enjoyed "From Trees or Plants" quizzes. He is really interested in things about botanical. Thanks(^^) He has come to enjoy conversation in English! |
匿名様より 会員No.34122 男性 |
これまでに数度受講していますが、これまでと同様、テキストを使ったレッスンの合間に質問を多くしていただけるので、即興力を鍛えることができました。さらに、前回よりも質問内容が多岐にわたり、適度に難易度を上げてくださったので、とても有益でした。ありがとうございました。 |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
Thank you so much for helping my son practice for speaking test. I am sure he will do his best tomorrow! Thanks (^^) |
Archie様より 会員No.31914 男性 |
Thank you so much(^^) He enjoyed learning about potato planting! He was looking forward to doing it with his grandma (^^) |
匿名様より 会員No.34122 男性 |
テキストを使ったレッスンでしたが、質問を多くしていただけるので、即興力を鍛えることができました。また、私の発言の文法上の誤りを後ほどフィードバックいただけるので、改善点が分かり有益でした。ありがとうございました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.34186 男性 |
質問には丁寧に説明してもらい、楽しくレッスンを受けることができました。 |
Archie様より 会員No.31914 男性 |
Thank you so much^0^ He said he was happy because Ruby seemed to enjoy the video with him^_^ |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
Thank you^0^ He had another great practice^_~ He seems to be in trouble when he tries to speak correctly, following with grammar. We will practice to follow with it at home, too! And, thanks for the links! |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
Thank you^0^ My son said he had practiced for speaking test a lot in the class today. He seems to like to practice with you much better than me^_^ Please play hard ball with him!! |
Archie様より 会員No.31914 男性 |
Thank you^_^ My son has come to ask you more questions to continue conversation, I think^_^ Thanks. |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
Hi, Ruby^_^ I am so happy to tell you such a good news! My 9-year-old son’s passed the paper test of EIKEN 3rd grade. He is supposed to take speaking test as 2nd stage in 2 weeks. I am hoping you will help him practice for it^_^ |
Archie様より 会員No.31914 男性 |
Thank you so much^0^ I was very impressed to see my son has become more assertive in class recently. He is interested in deep sea animals now^_^ He was so happy to see the pictures of Megalodon! |
Yasu様より 会員No.11918 男性 |
Thank you so much^0^ My son took Eiken 3rd grade last Sunday^_^ He said that he took it easy as always, and he did his best. We hope we will tell you a good news! We always appreciate your kind support^_^ |
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