お気に入り登録数: 694
名前 | Evelyn S. |
性別 | 女性 |
国籍 | フィリピン |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
Aster様より 会員No.17213 男性 |
I'm happy to see you again, Nix. We talked about the movie, Fast and Furious, today. It was fun time though it was difficult for me to explain car equipment, such as NOS booster. Thank you so much for giving me many questions regarding the movie. I can keep my motivation to learn English, because you always encourage me. I can't wait to see you next! |
Aster様より 会員No.17213 男性 |
Thank you so much for your kind lessons as always. I really enjoyed our conversation a lot because you were cheerful. I was curious for the stories of Korean drama you watched and told. I'd like to watch them, if I have a chance. See you again, Nix! |
匿名様より 会員No.27047 男性 |
Endearment for a tabby and a calico we keep which enthrall us is sometimes fallible.They usually don't show genuflection hidden the important meaning.But we have to learn that the inversion finally could invert the ending. 楽しい話だけでなくて、深い話も出来て嬉しいです。難語についてこれる知性もあります。 |
匿名様より 会員No.27047 男性 |
いつも笑顔でいられるよう明るく振る舞っていて、よく頑張ってます。いつも話をしていて楽しいです。 And she always commit herself to her work,good job! |
匿名様より 会員No.33654 女性 |
明るい先生で、まだ拙い私のレベルでも英語が聞き取れように適度な速さと内容でお話してくださいました。お話している内容も聞き取りやすかったです。 |
匿名様より 会員No.3974 女性 |
とても優しくフレンドリーな先生なので、安心して楽しく英語を話すことができます。 ディスカッションでは論理的に導いてくれるので、多角的にテーマについて 考えることができます。優しく知的な先生で、とてもおすすめします^^ |
匿名様より 会員No.27047 男性 |
少し長い間、受講したにも関わらず、このようなことを書かざるを得ないことを残念に思います。 5年近くにもわたりここの講師を続けながら、異常とも言うべきほど、日本の知識が欠落していることを驚きます。もう少し人に興味を持ってね! ただ、話をしていて楽しかったです。ありがとう。 |
匿名様より 会員No.3974 女性 |
とても優しい先生で、学ぶことの多いレッスンです^^ |
RABI様より 会員No.17427 女性 |
Thank you!! I’m enjoyed! |
MAKI様より 会員No.26060 女性 |
振替の先生でしたがとても発音が綺麗でネイティブのようで楽しく会話ができました。明るい先生で会話が弾みました。 |
Akimi様より 会員No.31664 女性 |
Thank you for another enjoyable lesson(^^) It was so much fun to share the idea about article. Thanks to your kindness, I always enjoy having a lively conversation. See you, Nix(^^) |
Archie様より 会員No.31914 男性 |
Thank you so much for putting effort on the lesson for my son^0^ He sill hesitates to speak in English, however, I will try to use English at home and I look for some videos he has interest, following your advices. Thanks, Nix^_^ |
Akimi様より 会員No.31664 女性 |
Thank you so much(^^) It was so engaging chatting. Then, thanks for giving me advice about my son! |
Aster様より 会員No.17213 男性 |
Nice to see you again, Nix! I enjoyed our discussion about dementia and Alzheimer's disease. I could understand the background, epidemiology, causes and symptom through our lessons. Furthermore, I learned ADUHELM, the drug which FDA approved. It's good news for patients with AD. In addition, we talked about the relationship between hormone and AD, because the incident of women is 2.5 times higher than that of men based on the data. We may need to check the scientific evidence more carefully. Thank you so much for fruitful lessons a lot. See you! |
Aster様より 会員No.17213 男性 |
I'm happy to see you, Nix. We talked about several Japanese animation. It was fun time. Actually, I was surprised a bit because you knew many Japanese animation, and was curious for English title in Japanese animation. I'd like to talk about them more next! I really appreciate your heartfelt instruction as always. See you soon! |
Aster様より 会員No.17213 男性 |
Thank you so much for enjoyable lessons as always, Nix! I really enjoyed talking about many topics. Especially, I am pleased to see the photos of the beach in your town. The photos you took were amazing, because the composition in your photos was well-balanced. Time flies! I can't wait to see you next, Nix! |
Akimi様より 会員No.31664 女性 |
Thank you so much(^^) We talked about kids' dream jobs and professional sports, it was so much fun. Also, thanks for sending the picture of the cake you made. The cake looked like it was professionally baked! |
Akimi様より 会員No.31664 女性 |
Thank you so much(^^) I enjoyed not only talking about wild animals but also discussing cultures and traditions relating to animals in our countries. It was so productive. Thanks & see you soon, Nix(^^) |
匿名様より 会員No.30874 男性 |
今日も、根気よく私の子供とレッスンをしてくれました。 感謝です。 ありがとう★ |
Aster様より 会員No.17213 男性 |
Thank you so much for productive lessons, Nix! I was curious for the article regarding COVID-19, and could update my insight through our lessons. I was absorbed in our chatting though. Cheers! |
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