お気に入り登録数: 349
名前 | Bill M. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | オーストラリア |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.42158 女性 |
人生経験豊富で博識な紳士という感じの先生です。経営者でもあるので人を見る目があるのでしょう、「あなたにはこっちの教材が向いてると思うよ」等のアドバイスもくれます。色々な話をしてくれるので楽しいです。またお願いします! |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
Tr Bill listened what I spent this week and encouraged me during the class through talking. Thank you for your warm hospitality. |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
Tr bill have a lot of experience to widen our conversation. I am always thankful to him to recognize my narrow sight. |
匿名様より 会員No.20613 男性 |
I was happy to see him again. I had a wonderful conversation with him in english. I’m looking forward to seeing him again. |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
Tr Bill taught about differences for native English speakers about an article. It was so interesting and I wondered why Japan’s educational institutions decided to change the way. His witty comments and knowledge inspired me my curious at every lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a blustering afternoon Bill and I had yet another great lesson. Your secret weapon is your awareness. It is forged by the ability to think with care. Just thinking of going back to work tomorrow makes me shiver. Bill thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
Tr Bill and I read an article. I tried to find an ingredient of the recipe as I can. The article is so interesting! |
匿名様より 会員No.30072 女性 |
いつも楽しく受けています。とても良い先生です。 |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a delightful afternoon Bill and I had yet another great lesson. Today we talked about price gouging. Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness. Bill thank you very much for the lesson. |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
Tr Bill and I talked about poor internet connection about my apartment. Then the difference of education system between Japan and the others. It was quite interesting class as always. Thank you. |
匿名様より 会員No.42643 男性 |
楽しいレッスンでした。 似た単語/フレーズのニュアンスや言い換え方、役に立つ勉強法についても教えていただき、よかったです。 |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
Tr Bill and I read an article about recycled items. As he pointed out to me, even its high quality elementary school backpack is not recycled for the same use. His comment reminds me my narrow brain! |
匿名様より 会員No.42964 女性 |
猫がとっても可愛かったです。 色々な英語の勉強の仕方を教えてくれました。 たくさんの話題でお話してくれるので 耳にとてもいいなと思います。 まだ私にはレベルが高かったけど いつかビル先生と流暢な会話ができるように なりたいと思いました。 |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
今回も楽しくレッスンしました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In a bleak afternoon, Bill and I had yet another great class. The problem today is people don`t cherish good people, they try to use them. Choose people who respect your boundaries. Be always gentle, every heart hides wounds that never bleed. Time and good friends are two things that become more valuable the older we get. Bill thank you very much for the lesson. |
Kei様より 会員No.35297 男性 |
いつも有り難うございます |
匿名様より 会員No.35297 男性 |
Thank you |
匿名様より 会員No.36102 女性 |
Tr Bill and I talked about the effects of Exams for children. Tr Bill listened my opinions and talked about that problems. Thank you so much. I could remove my nervousness to seeing the others. |
匿名様より 会員No.30072 女性 |
とても良い先生です。ネット記事を使った授業も良いですが、おしゃべりをしても楽しいです。 |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
I enjoye the class as alwasy. We talked about Chinese New Year that many shops were closed. |
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