お気に入り登録数: 349
名前 | Bill M. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | オーストラリア |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
匿名様より 会員No.24701 女性 |
My daughter had fun with his class. Thank you! |
匿名様より 会員No.26233 女性 |
紹介動画では、かなり真面目そう、というかちょっと怖そうな印象ですが、とっても朗らかでよく笑う先生でした。オーストラリア出身ですが、様々な国で過ごされてきたので、文化の違いなどの話をしました。 |
Ayami様より 会員No.15716 女性 |
I enjoyed talking with Bill on a variety of topics. Thank you for your recomendaiton of the wine list. I couldn't find one in the list at the store where I went to today, but my husband said Wyndham is familiar, so I will find one another day. I am looking forward to talking to you again! |
匿名様より 会員No.13159 女性 |
I really enjoyed talking with you! I hope see you again soon. |
匿名様より 会員No.24588 女性 |
渋めのお写真とは異なり、とても朗らかな先生で、たくさん会話を楽しみました。急な依頼だったのに関わらず、希望した教材で、丁寧に教えて下さいました。 |
miki様より 会員No.23967 女性 |
先生の経歴が興味深く、またお話しをお聞きしたいです。 英語の曲の発音を習いました。丁寧に教えてくれました。 |
dogwood様より 会員No.7263 女性 |
He is very knowledgeble and his feedback to my speaking is helpful. I would like to talk with you again. See you soon!! |
Tomoko様より 会員No.19602 女性 |
初めての先生でした。 とても穏やかでよい時間を持てました。 色々な国に行っていらっしゃるので話題も豊富だと思います。 今日は1回目だったので、次回お話を聞きたいと思っています。 ありがとうございました。 |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
優しくかつ快活な雰囲気を漂わせた先生で、とても話しやすい方という印象です。ご自身の豊富なビジネス経験を背景に話題の適応性も大変幅広く(特に東南アジア関連)、ビジネスに役立つ英語を学びたい方にはうってつけの先生なのではないかと思います。 |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
Today's topics were all related very closely to my work, and it was a very valuable opportunity to hear your comments and opinions with firm background of long term service in hospitality business. Thank you, Bill. They were very effective and helpful to me. See you next time. |
Mitsu様より 会員No.17668 男性 |
Thank you for the first lesson. It was hard for me to talk in English, but you kindly listened to what I said, and I enjoyed the lesson. See you later! |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
We talked about the recent activities I had in this year end season. I explained how we share account when we go out drinking in a group. Bill explained to me how they do it in Australia. It is very interesting to know how things differ among different cultures and also to find things in common. I'm looking forward to talking about the article Bill picked up for me in relation to human resources control in a company next time. Thank you, Bill, see you next time. |
Mayumi様より 会員No.17553 女性 |
話しやすい方でしたが、こちらの文章の間違ってるところを正すなど、トークだけでなく授業という雰囲気も欲しいと思った。 |
rumiko様より 会員No.18467 女性 |
It was pleasure to meet you. I really enjoyed talking with you. |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
Thank you for the lesson. As I mentioned earlier, I would like to keep on talking with you about various topics to further build up my English ability, especially in terms of listening comprehension for a better and more correct understanding. See you next time. |
Yoko様より 会員No.20687 女性 |
Thank you very much, Bill. Yes, I have a tendency to indulge myself into a chat with teachers, completely off topic:-) But it is one of many perks of being an Eigox student, isn't it? |
Sho様より 会員No.18552 男性 |
Thank you, Bill, for the lesson. With this Eigox program, my target is to enhance my English ability especially in terms of speaking and listening (or understanding). I hope we can talk about various kind of topics in future. |
Kiyo様より 会員No.12860 女性 |
Thanls for a lesson . I had a great time with you . see you next time . |
Kaochin様より 会員No.11594 女性 |
Bill, Thank you very much for your passionate lesson despite such a short notice. We liked your generous personality, You really sounded like a very standard English. We hope to see you soon! |
noriko様より 会員No.14830 女性 |
Thank you so much for telling me a lot of things to be a good tour guide. It is so helpful for me. See you next time! |
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