お気に入り登録数: 349
名前 | Bill M. |
性別 | 男性 |
国籍 | オーストラリア |
現住国 | Philippines |
キッズ | |
日本語 | なし |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
Another conversation about cooking. Batter of deep fries. Boiling point of olive oil is 300 Celsius which is lower that the ones of vegetable oil, and is not suitable for frying. The batter of my fish and chips was thin and he instructed me a tips of thick batter, seasoning the batter with salt and pepper and leave it for 30 minutes. Soak the fish on the batter with finger. Put them in vegetable oil for fry until the bubble reduces but not until it disappears. Drain it on the kitchen paper. He also gave me a recipe of Potato Scallop which I will try to cook for this weekend. |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
I used a lot of cooking words, oven, pan, fry, deep fry, butterfly the breast chicken, .lamb shanks, thigh, calf, season, help thicken the stew, flour. I hope I can use these words better as I cook some dishes. Bill gave me good insights from professional cook points of view and he motivated me to cook dishes I have never tried before. |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In the hush of evening Bill and I had yet another fruitful lesson. Bill thank you very much for the lesson. |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
We talked about his restaurant in Johor where he used to run a bar. How he set up a bar turning a limited spaced room into a modern bar with walls and floors painted black so it can gives an illusion that furniture are floating. A street-smart to get away with raids by police to check IDs of customers. Hard liquors stored under beer crates. A tough negotiation with the owner of the property who tried to double the rent. |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
I talked about his restaurant in Malaysia and I used some English words I rarely use in my conversation. Skillet, bell peppers, stuffed chicken, chick, tenderloin, sirloin. Very useful conversation about cooking with a professional cook. |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
I had a nice discussion with Bill on one court case related with Prince Andrew. civil case, criminal case, a beater, accuse, sue, underage. |
匿名様より 会員No.32579 男性 |
今日のレッスンは南アフリカのアパルトヘイト、昨年死去したトウトウ司教の人権擁護活動に関する記事をもとにディスカッションしました。Billさんの生の治験をお聞きし、現地の実情や国際的な視野の大切さを感じました。時間を超過してレッスンしていただきました。有難うございます。 |
匿名様より 会員No.11270 男性 |
In the hush of evening Bill and I had an enjoyable free-talk lesson, in a light-hearted ambience the lesson flowed seamlessly. Bill thank you very much for the pleasant class. Have a wonderful new year. |
匿名様より 会員No.32579 男性 |
約6ヶ月、事前に指定された記事について自身の意見を述べ、先生とディスカッションしました。回を重ねるごとに語彙が増え総合的な対話力が向上していることを実感しています。 |
匿名様より 会員No.20613 男性 |
I enjoyed talking with Bill ! All cat’s that you introduced me are so cute. Hope to see you again! |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
I had a hangover in the class at 8:30 in the morning. Bill was accommodating and gave me good advice on my photobook for final editing. Thank you! |
Mari様より 会員No.18064 女性 |
各国での経験が豊富な先生なので、海外の興味深いはなしをしてくれます。参考になります。 |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
We started off with Allan Jones, who he described as "little Trump" good at producing comments to agitate people. It was a valuable lesson as always. leg work, right wing, light the fire, agitate, |
匿名様より 会員No.31309 女性 |
様々なお仕事も経験されているので話題も豊富で、レッスンもレベルに合わせて楽しく進めてくれます。 リラックスした雰囲気で進めてくださるせいか、英語に対するストレスが軽くなってとても話しやすいです。 Many thanks for the fruitful and enjoyable lesson. You have such an experienced person with varieties of jobs, i really like to hear about your story, thanks! Regarding the lesson using the articles, you kindly provided me with a lot of relevant and interesting information on the vocabularies, which are very helpful to memorize them. Thanks to you, I don’t feel stressed so much when speaking in English these days, |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
We started talking about the subject of the new variant of COVID-19 and the travel restrictions that the governments implemented so far in the Philippines and Japan. The topic developed into Allan Jones, an Australian broad caster. A great session to broaden my perspective and vocabulary as usual. |
匿名様より 会員No.30371 女性 |
フリートークにて受講しました。聞き取りやすく早すぎない(私に合わせてくれたのかも?)英語で、楽しくレッスンできました。興味深い様々なトピックで会話を広げてくれ、時間があっという間でした。最後の私の英語力に関するアドバイスも、たくさんのお褒めの言葉&私が認識している弱点にもしっかり気づいて指摘してくださいました。 |
匿名様より 会員No.28848 男性 |
話題が豊富でとても良い先生です |
匿名様より 会員No.33282 男性 |
5歳の子供のレッスンをしていただきました。かなりゆっくり話していただき、子供の理解に合わせて簡単な言葉を選んでトークを進めていってくださったので、楽しくレッスンできました。 先生からたくさん話しかけてくれるので子供や初心者の方はレッスン受けやすいと思います。 |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
We talked about the cram school in Japan. I have learned new word, peer pressure. Thank you always. |
noboru様より 会員No.22413 男性 |
We talked about the politics in Malaysia and the Philippines, in which its immigration policy for foreigners changes at the time of transition of the government. A valuable conversation as always. |
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